Savvy DBlog Week 2017: D Also Stands for DOG!

Savvy DBlog Week 2017: D Also Stands for DOG!

Today is the final day of’s Diabetes Blog Week 2017.  The topic is: More Than Diabetes, about me, with or without a relationship to diabetes.  Easy peazy!       D Also Stands for DOG!  INDEED! I seem to...
Savvy DBlog Week: What Makes Me Crazy Mad

Savvy DBlog Week: What Makes Me Crazy Mad

Today is the 4th day of Diabetes Blog Week 2017 … and the topic is What Brings Me Down.  Easy, huh?!?  Well, I’ve taken it a step further.              WHAT MAKES ME CRAZY MAD?!@*^! I thought long and hard about...
Savvy D-Blog Week 2017: You’re the Same as Everyone Else

Savvy D-Blog Week 2017: You’re the Same as Everyone Else

The Wednesday topic for D-Blog Week 2017 is “The Blame Game.”  As I think back over 52 years of D living, I’m recalling the times when someone (on my healthcare team or family or friends) said or did something that felt blaming or hurtful. ...
Savvy DBlog Week: What Makes Me Crazy Mad

Savvy D-Blog Week 2017: It’s ONLY Money!

Today’s blog topic is: The Cost of a Chronic Illness.  Woooo, there’s a lot of room for writing here, including insurance, Medicare, coverage, cost of our care, accessibility and much, much more!  I’m talking today about the cost of being...
Savvy Update 5.14.2017: Fiasp

Savvy Update 5.14.2017: Fiasp

Happy Mothers’ Day to all of you who are moms, aunts, grandmothers, people with moms, pet moms!  Here’s a special Mothers’ Day edition about Fiasp! Novo Nordisk’s Ultra-Fast Rapid-Acting Insulin Fiasp Approved in Europe and Canada,...
Meet Cassidy Robinson, T1 and Biking Across the US!

Meet Cassidy Robinson, T1 and Biking Across the US!

Excerpt from my interview with Cassidy Robinson, published on DiabetesMine, 14 April 2017 I met Cassidy Robinson years ago at a JDRF Type One Summit on a beautiful Sunday morning in Orange County, CA. It was a morning filled with inspirational speakers and...
Savvy Apps Update 5/11/2017

Savvy Apps Update 5/11/2017

The hot buzz these days is all about health apps.  Some track exercise. Some act as insulin bolus calculators. Others are log books and reminder alarms … and more.  Here’s just an update on the app market.   Fitness Trackers … Are They...
CGM & Liberty Medical: Good News and VERY Bad News

CGM & Liberty Medical: Good News and VERY Bad News

First the good news!  I GOT MY ORDER!!!  Indeed, ONE transmitter, ONE receiver (black as apparently once you are on Medicare, you go colorblind), 3 boxes of sensors!  It’s so beautiful I am leaving it in the box for a few more days, just to marvel...
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