Mar 12, 2021 | Featured, Pets
Well, this is a Savvy Diabetic first! Please welcome Jessica (T1D and super high-level martial arts black belt) who manages her diabetes, along with her “family” of lots of birds! Hi all … This is Jessica typing from half-way...
Mar 5, 2021 | Featured, Pets, Videos
Teri (T1D, studying to be a medical physician assistant) and her husband Evan ADORE Calvin. I’ve looked at pictures on both their Facebook pages … they LOVE dogs and they are crazy, madly in love with Calvin. And who wouldn’t be?! ...
Feb 26, 2021 | Featured, Pets
Today, I get to very loudly wish my very kind and funny and loving and smart husband (and my T1D support), Richard, a wonderfully happy and doggie-filled birthday. Oh, what a journey!!! Hey Buddy and Bon Bon are NOT, in any...
Feb 19, 2021 | Featured, Pets
SMILES and HEART Alert! Please meet Snickers (also known as Snicker Doodles) lives with T1D Galye and her hubby, and he grew up with their 2 sons … what a total lovefest!!! From Gayle: Thank you for making me do this!!! It fills my heart to...
Feb 12, 2021 | Featured, Pets
I was a little short of T1D stories … but truth be told, if you have T1D and you love pets, this will make you smile and lift your spirits, just in time for Valentine’s Day! The Dogs of 2020...
Feb 5, 2021 | Featured, Pets
From a very wonderful Facebook group called Albany T1D Families (in Albany, NY, near to where I went to college), I posted a request about T1Ds and their furry family members. Here are 2 very heartwarming stories from snowed-in Albany! Jennifer...