Looping refers to an open and transparent effort to make safe and effective basic closed loop technology widely available to reduce the burden of Type 1 diabetes.
DIY Looping: Members in our diabetes community (Type 1Ds and parents of Type 1Ds) are not willing to wait for an approved solution and instead are using Loop. The system is not something that you can purchase from a manufacturer but a system that requires work to install, support to use and equipment to purchase. If you want a perfect system, this is not for you.
Learn more about Looping here from those in the community who are already running their own loop … and check out these resources, for more knowledge.

Savvy Updates 10/14/24: GLP-1s, Medtronic Recall, Breakthrough T1D & TCOYD, Sotagliflozin & FDA Appeal, How PBMs Work, CVS Break Up?, Non-D Above TTIR, Tidepool Loop
In this week's issue of The Savvy Diabetic: GLP-1s & T1D: How they work, dosing & pharmacokinetics Medtronic Recall for Reduced Battery Life Breakthrough T1D & TCOYD: Research Highlights Sotagliflozin (for CKD) & FDA Advocacy NOW! How PBMs Work...

Savvy Updates 5/20/24: Twiist Insulin Pump, FDA Alerts on Chinese Syringe Imports, Playing Sports Lowers Insulin Resistance, Insulin Sensitizers, Dr. Rayhan Lal on Automated Insulin Delivery Systems, ADA Lists Best Hospitals for T1Ds (ONLY 17 in the US!), CGMs & Insulin Pumps for T2D Market, Black Basta Cyberattacks on Healthcare Systems, Prior Auths Need to be Fixed
Meet the newest insulin pump: all about “twiist” with Sequel CEO Alan Lotvin by Stacey Simms for Diabetes-Connections.com, 16 April 2024. This week, the newest pump coming to the market is called the twiist. It’s a very different shape – circular with a top half that...

A Sad Note: Looping Truman, T1D Pup, Crossed Over the Rainbow Bridge
From Shannon (Truman's mom): It is with great sadness that I share that Truman crossed over the rainbow bridge this morning (1/26/24). He became very sick, very quickly. In addition to his diabetes, this 13-year-old boy had a number of other issues, and one of those...

Savvy Looping: News & Tips for DIY looping T1Ds
I started the Facebook group, Loop and Learn (originally So Cal Loopers for those using DIY Loop in southern California) about 5 years ago. It is now one of the larger Facebook groups about how to build and then, more importantly, how to best manage your Type 1...

Savvy Updates, 10/2/23: Senseonics Completes 365-Day Study, SiBionics CGM & GiveAway, Abvance’s Coformulation of Insulin & Glucagon, Period Cravings & Insulin Sensitivies, Ozempic Reduces Insulin Needs in T1Ds, CVS Caremark Sued By Independent Pharmacy for Antitrust Violations
Senseonics completes 365-day CGM study cohort by Sean Whooley for DrugDeliveryBusiness.com, 26 September 2023. Senseonics announced that it completed its ENHANCE pivotal clinical study adult cohort for its 365-day Eversense CGM. The study evaluates the year-long...

Savvy Updates 9/5/23: InsuletGets TRO Against EOFlow, Beta Bionics Raises $100M, Research Grant for Liver Targeted Insulin, History/Future or DIY “Bionic Pancreas”, 1st Ten Drugs for Medicare Price Negoation, WellDoc’s Blue Star Gets FDA Clearance, Men & Women Differ in Cardiac Arrest Symptoms, CGM Companies Go Mainstream
Insulet gains amid winning TRO in dispute with EOFlow, CEO insider buy by Joshua Fineman for SeekingAlpha.com, 30 August 2023. Insulet rose 8.1% at least partly after the insulin pump maker was granted a temporary restraining order in a trade secrets case...

Savvy Update 7/31/23: SiBio Ketone Monitor, Time in Range (or TTIR), User Reviews (iLet, Dexcom G7), Aging & T1DD (EDIC), Report Device Issues to FDA, 9 Genes that Cause T1D, Strawberries & Health, More TCOYD Videos
Continuous Ketone Monitoring – a world’s first from SiBio? by Tim Street for Diabettech.com, 17 July 2023. SiBio describes itself as “an innovative company with medical active implant and medical artificial intelligence research and development as its core...

Savvy Updates, 3/6/23: Lilly Insulin Price Cuts, Erythritol & Heart Risk, iCare, Bigfoot Unity, Fully Closed-Loops
Eli Lilly to Cut Price of Insulin by 70%, Cap Insulin Costs at $35 a Month by Susannah Chen and Natalie Sainz for diaTribe.org, 1 March 2023. Eli Lilly announced that it will cut the list prices for its most commonly prescribed insulins by 70%. The drug...

Savvy Updates 1/16/23: CGM $$$, Insulin Pill Fails, Med School & AI, DIY Loop 3.0, 5-Minute Walks, T1D Kids & School Days
CGM is BIG MONEY!!! How Abbott plans to make its Freestyle Libre a $10B product by Elise Reuter for MedTechDive.com, 10 January 2023. CEO Robert Ford discussed plans to grow the market for Abbott’s continuous glucose monitors and its broader diabetes...

Savvy Closed Loops and Exercise: Dr. Laura Nally Presentation with Loop and Learn
Living with Type 1 diabetes is challenging. Figuring out foods (carbs/proteins/fats and amounts) is really constantly challenging. Now, let's add in exercise! Whew, that's even more challenging! THEN, managing your diabetes with multiple daily...