What Would YOU do?  Your Feedback is NEEDED!

What Would YOU do? Your Feedback is NEEDED!

OK, customer service is part of life, of business, of healthcare, of just about everything.  While some organizations make it a priority to deliver the best customer service experiences possible, others not so much.  Then there is the occasional clinker...

Savvy in Hollywood: Talking about Advocates

I had another great opportunity to be a T1d cohost on The Bonnie Sher Show … she now calls me her “Roving T1 Co Host”!  And I got to talk about an issue that I feel is extremely important to us T1ds.  (By the way, my section stars at 30...
Apps, Apps and Apps

Apps, Apps and Apps

I’ve been reading lots lately about medical apps … and I’ve tried a few … and I’m using a few. Perhaps we should take a look at what’s actually going on in the health apps arena. My questions for you:  What apps are you...
The Savvy Diabetic in the TOP 51 Diabetes Blogs!!!

The Savvy Diabetic in the TOP 51 Diabetes Blogs!!!

Thank you, Hard Boiled Body, for placing The Savvy Diabetic on your Top 51 Diabetes Blogs for Lifestyle Tips 2017!  I am SO honored and proud to be recognized among such great blogs!  HardBoiledBody Here’s what they said:     The Savvy...
Savvy Guest: Looping Update by Jessica Ching

Savvy Guest: Looping Update by Jessica Ching

I’ve know Jessica for many many years … we go way back and we were about the first T1’s to start on Dexcom STS, first generation.  Jessica went on to work for Dexcom and then Abbott (when they were selling the Navigator CGM).  She’s...
Tell Medicare to COVER the OMNIPOD SYSTEM!!!

Tell Medicare to COVER the OMNIPOD SYSTEM!!!

I received a letter from Pat Sullivan, CEO of Insulet Corporation, makers of Omnipod System, requested that we ALL contact our members of Congress, urging them to contact HHS Secretary Price and the CMS Administrator for their support.  Please respond TODAY...
Medicare Dexcom G5 CGM Order Requirements

Medicare Dexcom G5 CGM Order Requirements

Here’s an update on the latest requirements from Liberty Medical Supplies, after a phone call this morning from a member of the newly expanded and dedicated Medicare CGM department.       To order Dexcom G5 Kit or Receiver: Fill out an ABN Form...
Savvy Goes to Hollywood AGAIN!

Savvy Goes to Hollywood AGAIN!

Here I go again … to HOLLYWOOD!  I’ll be on The Bonnie Sher Show TOMORROW, Thursday, 30 March 2017, in the studio with Bonnie, as her T1d Cohost!        Please tune in at 2pm est: The Bonnie Sher Show – Boomer Life Universal...
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