Cat LOVES The Savvy Diabetic!

The Savvy Diabetic is a fantastic read. It functions as both a top-notch resource for diabetics and their loved ones and as a engaging, humorous, open account of Joanne’s own journey as a diabetic. The book is organized brilliantly and each section’s focus...
You are Alive, Everything is Possible with these 8 Tips!

You are Alive, Everything is Possible with these 8 Tips!

I found this on The Huffington Post, by Kate Bartolotta, owner/founder of Be You Media Group, 9/20/2013, and shown here in the abridged version. It might not make living with diabetes easier but it can sure help living WELL with diabetes more joyful and healthful! ...
Dr. Jeff Jones gave my book FIVE STARS!

Dr. Jeff Jones gave my book FIVE STARS!

Joanne Milo gives excellent well-organized advice which is both practical and emotionally grounded.  Her suggestions on managing your own medical care, tracking records and information, communicating with friends and family and your health care team excellent. The...

An interesting blog site: Diabetes in Control

I just stumbled onto this blog site!  Diabetes in Control: News and Information for Medical Professionals. Their Mission Statement:  To be the world leader of current and accurate on-line diabetes information for medical professionals, and...

Type 1’s with Type A Personalities Live Longer

Researchers analyzed data from the CDC, which has followed a cohort of patients with type 1 diabetes for 22 years. The study showed that for every 1 point increase on the Bortner Rating Scale that evaluated type A behavior, there was a 1% decrease in all cause...
20 Minutes Filling Insulin Reservoirs!

20 Minutes Filling Insulin Reservoirs!

What have you been doing for the past 20 minutes? I’ve filled 10 insulin cartridges and threw out a bag of empty insulin bottles, boxes, and plungers, and changed my insulin pump reservoir. I think I could have been doing something more fun with my time …...
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