Sep 4, 2020 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets, Videos
As you can probably tell, I’m learning how to use YouTube and embed videos. I’m sure I’ll improve, with your encouragement!!! Happy holidays and stay safe and love up your pets!!! (and a quick thank you for those who alerted me to...
Aug 28, 2020 | Featured, Pets
OK, so this is not specifically about T1Ds … but seeing these photos will make your T1D day better!!! Wednesday (26 August) was International Dog Day … a day to appreciate our furry best friends I’ll start off with a big hello from my pups, Hey...
Aug 21, 2020 | Featured, Pets
What a joy to introduce, Cleo, the beautiful black cat, who lives with Nicky (T1D, founder of the FB group, The Honest Exchange, a group intended for those out there who are trying to navigate their diabetes through the use of technology) and her 3 sons (ages 7, 9 and...
Aug 14, 2020 | Featured, Pets, Stories of D Life
Today, I’ve been getting stories of 2 T1Ds who will be getting their diabetes alert dogs, REAL SOON. Feels like we are all having a baby … but that baby is a life-saving diabetes alert dog who is also VERY cute!!! Alex was diagnosed at 2 years and 1...
Aug 7, 2020 | Featured, Pets, Videos
Full disclosure: I had serious computer issues this week and was not able to post my regular Friday blog on T1Ds and their pets. BUT, as I believe our pets make our lives MUCH BETTER, with or without diabetes, here’s a fun video to make you...
Jul 31, 2020 | Featured, Pets
I’m so happy to introduce you to Hennessy, a 4 year old Maine coon cat and his little “sister” puppy, Lilo, who just turned five months old. They live, mostly in harmony, with Brad, a t1D and a nurse/diabetes educator who runs Facebook Group,...