Interested in the Global Efforts? No Child Should Die of Diabetes
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is an umbrella organization of over 230 national diabetes associations in 170 countries and territories. It represents the interests of the growing number of people with diabetes and those at risk. The Federation has been...
Amazing NYTimes Blog: Thinking About Diabetes With Every Bite
Catherine Price, a T1d, wrote this piece for the NY Times in 2009 … I just read it and it is as current as if it were written yesterday. I sat here, nodding yes as I read it, spot on, every comment, every thought. Thank you, Catherine! Here are some excerpts...
A Shout Out from Bonnie Sher about The Savvy Diabetic!
Wow, Bonnie Sher, THANK YOU! At minute 29 in her UBN Internet Radio/TV show, The Bonnie Sher Show – Boomer Life, 9/29/2016, Bonnie gives me a GRAND Shout Out for my book, The Savvy Diabetic: A Survival Guide. ...
HOT TOPICS: Why is Insulin SO EXPENSIVE, How to Save on Diabetes Care and Tech Update for 2017
Type 1’s run on insulin. We need it to live, every moment of every day, without lapse. And we are all acutely aware of the skyrocketing prices for all insulins … and there are NO generic options available. We have NO CHOICE! The chart below shows the %...