Savvy Technology: All about Insulet/Omnipod
Omnipod is in the news this week! Insulet Corporation S hareholder Broadcast reported that Insulet presented strong Omnipod Horizon Hybrid Closed-Loop study results on 16 February 2017 at the 10th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for...
Savvy Gear: Great Apple Watch Bands, Great Discount for Savvy D’s!
WithIt is a great source of neat-looking watchbands for the Apple watch (as well as Fitbits and Pebbles). And they are offering a 15% discount for TheSavvyDiabetic blog readers and the folks in the Nightscout, CGM in the Cloud, Looped and #WeAreNotWaiting communities....
Savvy Updates, 2.17.2017: New/Future APs, AlterG’s Anti-Gravity Treadmill
The big buzz in the coming years is the Artificial Pancreas, Closed Loop Insulin Delivery System, Dual Hormone Bionic Pump … lots of names, lots of promises. Here’s just a look at some new entries under development, with NO promises for when and/or...Savvy LOOPing: Wes AGAIN on Closed Loop Proof of Concept
Wes is one of the greats of Nightscout and #WeAreNotWaiting … and he’s an amazing and fully committed guy. Here’s his take on Closed Loop Proof of Concept: Successful PROOF of Concept! …BUT our family will be taking this transition...