I have Type 1 diabetes. I love to write. I’m happy when I am helping others. I speak up when it’s important. I have a passion for sharing knowledge and learning new technology. I was BORN to BLOG!
I’ve met so many other T1Ds on this journey who are cool and love to help others. We put our heads and hearts together … to bring more resources and knowledge to our amazing diabetes community. We’re making improvements every day … come back often, let us know what you think. And my gratitude for my amazing webmaster, Dave (an honorary T1D)!
And thank you for stopping by!
— Joanne Laufer Milo, The Savvy Diabetic

Diabetes Research and Technology Update for July 2015
The diabetes world is buzzing with lots of news … here are just a few of the more interesting tidbits! Introducing the iLet: Bionic Pancreas Dual-Chamber Pump Announced at the Friends for Life Conference 2015 The Bionic Pancreas Team, a collaborative group from Boston...

Be Prepared: Your Diabetes Preparedness Kit
No matter where you live, emergencies can happen, where you have to grab stuff and leave your house. OR you might just be getting ready for a routine vacation and trying to remember all that you need to carry with you. Here's a great little list, excerpted from Kids...

Love this cartoon by Haidee Soule Merritt!
Cartoon by Haidee Soule Merritt T1, cartoonist, author the the book, "One Lump or Two? Things that suck about being diabetic” http://www.haideemerritt.com/

Hey Snappers, Here Comes Bigfoot!
You may not be able to continue to use the Asante Snap pump ... but it's NOT GONE! Its amazing reincarnation occurred when Bigfoot Biomedical bought all the intellectual and physical assents of Asante Solutions ... and it plans to quickly bring to market an...

Research News of the Week, 6/22-28/2015
I'm seeing LOTS of research, across the whole of diabetes spectrum. So I decided to just provide you with links to each news item, in case you find it interesting or you are curious. It's exciting times in the diabetes world! Could Gut Bacteria Be a Weight Loss Aid?...

From DiabetesNet.com: Insulin Actions Times and Peak Times
(Just a great primer/reminder of how different insulins work. Thank you John Walsh!) A good way to improve your glucose levels is to track the peaks and drops in your glucose, so you can figure out why they happened and how to correct them. Once you identify glucose...

in TEARS … T1 dealing with Insurance, Suppliers, Big Pharma and more!
It's Monday ... start of a fresh new week ... and it's just barely noon. And I'm in tears. Even my Westie, who is an empath, is feeling the agitation! Managing diabetes is HARD! It is challenging and often illogical and frequently a huge imposition on my plans. But...

CHOSEN for the DiabetesMine Innovation Summit at Stanford!
I’m just so excited! I was chosen to be one of the 10 scholarship recipients of the DiabetesMine Innovation Summit, held annually at the Stanford University School of Medicine this coming fall! I will be acting as a “delegate” for the d-patient community, expressing...

A Cure for T1 Diabetes? Using the Tuberculosis Vaccine??
Scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital are hoping to prove that type 1 diabetes can be reversed with the help of a generic drug. The five-year long, phase II clinical trial, which received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, was announced Sunday...

SNAP to a POD: How I Made the Switch
IMPORTANT: I first must say a BIG thank you to Insulet Corporation, makers of the Omnipod insulin pump system, for offering a FREE Omnipod PDM PLUS a FREE box of Omnipod pods, WITHOUT ANY TRADE-IN or CHARGE to our insurance. A great and kind gesture to those of us...