GUEST BLOG: An “Outsider’s” Point of View

GUEST BLOG: An “Outsider’s” Point of View

Hello, my name is Laura Castillo. I am an incoming college freshman at the University of California, Irvine, who has only ever researched medical information for specific school assignments. I can give you information on urinary tract infections because I researched...
I’m FREE … NO CGM for 6 hours!

I’m FREE … NO CGM for 6 hours!

I feel naked!  No, not really … but I’ve been wearing CGMs 24/7 since 2006!  Yup, I was at the head of the line for the first Dexcom, the STS, a 3-day sensor with wild variability … and Dexcom was such a small company that I invited the VP of Government Affairs and...
COLTON, the Diabetes Alert Dog

COLTON, the Diabetes Alert Dog

Our support group GNO had the opportunity to visit with Colton, the wonder diabetes alert dog recently. And he was truly amazing! Trained by one of our members, Jessica Ching, Colton wears a special collar. He is able to sense/sniff high, low or changing blood sugars...
The Changing Face of the Endocrinology Office

The Changing Face of the Endocrinology Office

When I was first diagnosed, in the dark ages, there were NO insulin pumps, NO CGM, NO blood glucose meters, NO HbA1c, NO disposable syringes, NO human recombinant DNA insulin.  Yup, certainly seem hard to believe … almost 50 years ago. Then came advances:  human...

No Medicare CGMS Coverage??? Are you kidding me?????

by Joanne Milo 16 July 2014 Medicare (except in Advantage HMO plans) does not cover any CGMS. There are codes for sensors, receivers and transmitters! But their ruling, in 2008 (when they just came on the market), deemed them “precautionary.”...
From Dr. Gabe Mirkin: Soluble Fiber Helps to Control Diabetes

From Dr. Gabe Mirkin: Soluble Fiber Helps to Control Diabetes

May 19, 2013 by Gabe Mirkin, MD A study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that taking in extra soluble fiber helps to control diabetes. Now all diabetics should follow two dietary rules. First, they should restrict severely foods that cause a high rise in...
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