Jan 20, 2015 | Featured, Technology Updates
Nightscout (CGM in the Cloud) is an open source, DIY project that allows real time access to a Dexcom G4 CGM from web browsers via smartphones, computers, tablets, and the Pebble smartwatch. The goal of the project is to allow remote monitoring of the T1D’s...
Jan 18, 2015 | Technology Updates
Robert Ferris | @RobertoFerrisThursday, 15 Jan 2015 | 11:56 AM ETCNBC.com Researchers have developed an ultra-thin sensor that sits on the skin like a “rub-on tattoo” and can help patients monitor blood sugar levels without the painful prick of the finger...
Nov 8, 2014 | Research News
Making the T1D Vaccine a Reality By Emily Howell October 15, 2014 Nanoparticle-based vaccine is designed to re-educate the immune system and halt the attack on the pancreas Over the last three years, Selecta Bioscience, a clinical stage biotechnology company, has...
Nov 7, 2014 | Featured, Research News
As reported in the UAB (University of Alabama – Birmingham) News by Tyler Greer November 06, 2014 The “repurposing of verapamil as a beta cell survival therapy in type 1 diabetes” trial will test an approach different from any current diabetes treatment. New...
Nov 2, 2014 | Featured, Research News
Harvard stem cell researchers announced a giant leap forward in the quest to find a truly effective treatment for type 1 diabetes, a disease that affects an estimated 3 million Americans. Read More:...