Mar 22, 2015 | Featured, Technology Updates
Mike Hoskins shared his interview with Terry Gregg (Chairman) and Kevin Sayer (CEO) of Dexcom on March 5, 2015. Here’s the link to read the whole wonderful and enlightening article:...
Mar 21, 2015 | Research News
According to engineers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology are working on a new type of engineered insulin that can circulate in the bloodstream for at least 10 hours, which responds quickly to changes in blood sugar levels. Patients might not need to monitor...
Mar 20, 2015 | Featured, Research News
OK, I have no way of know if this is real but it is interesting. From EXPRESS, Home of the Daily and Sunday Express Published 3/9/2015 Plant with similar effects to cocaine and LSD could be key to diabetes cure, claim experts (Also appears on