in TEARS … T1 dealing with Insurance, Suppliers, Big Pharma and more!
It’s Monday … start of a fresh new week … and it’s just barely noon. And I’m in tears. Even my Westie, who is an empath, is feeling the agitation! Managing diabetes is HARD! It is challenging and often illogical and frequently a huge...
CHOSEN for the DiabetesMine Innovation Summit at Stanford!
I’m just so excited! I was chosen to be one of the 10 scholarship recipients of the DiabetesMine Innovation Summit, held annually at the Stanford University School of Medicine this coming fall! I will be acting as a “delegate” for the d-patient community, expressing...
A Cure for T1 Diabetes? Using the Tuberculosis Vaccine??
Scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital are hoping to prove that type 1 diabetes can be reversed with the help of a generic drug. The five-year long, phase II clinical trial, which received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, was announced Sunday...