Medicare Dexcom G5 CGM Order Requirements

Medicare Dexcom G5 CGM Order Requirements

Here’s an update on the latest requirements from Liberty Medical Supplies, after a phone call this morning from a member of the newly expanded and dedicated Medicare CGM department.       To order Dexcom G5 Kit or Receiver: Fill out an ABN Form...
Savvy Goes to Hollywood AGAIN!

Savvy Goes to Hollywood AGAIN!

Here I go again … to HOLLYWOOD!  I’ll be on The Bonnie Sher Show TOMORROW, Thursday, 30 March 2017, in the studio with Bonnie, as her T1d Cohost!        Please tune in at 2pm est: The Bonnie Sher Show – Boomer Life Universal...

Medicare and CGM: New Potential Issues?

Debra Parrish is an attorney who has been working with T1 appeals on Medicare denials of CGM coverage.  Her email about Medicare coverage with the first one I received in January.  But today, she put out a caution that there still may be obstacles. ...
Savvy LOOPing: their language!

Savvy LOOPing: their language!

I am far from even being semi-technical but I can, very slowly following instructions and ask questions kindly, always saying please and thank you.  But I just saw an exchange on a site about figuring out how to break the codes on other pumps: This week,...
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