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Looping refers to an open and transparent effort to make safe and effective basic closed loop technology widely available to reduce the burden of Type 1 diabetes.

DIY Looping: Members in our diabetes community (Type 1Ds and parents of Type 1Ds) are not willing to wait for an approved solution and instead are using Loop. The system is not something that you can purchase from a manufacturer but a system that requires work to install, support to use and equipment to purchase. If you want a perfect system, this is not for you.

Learn more about Looping here from those in the community who are already running their own loop … and check out these resources, for more knowledge.


Medicare CGM Saga Continued

Medicare CGM Saga Continued

I am not trying to stir the pot of frustration about Medicare and Dexcom ... but here goes. As I mentioned, Dexcom absolutely CANNOT sell me any product, for cash, because my file shows that I am covered by Medicare.  Even if I just want to BUY a transmitter...

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Savvy D Goes BACK to HOLLYWOOD!!!

Savvy D Goes BACK to HOLLYWOOD!!!

Bonnie Sher Show, here I come, AGAIN! I'll be Bonnie's T1 CoHost on her program on UBN radio/tv this Thursday, 2/23/17, to talk about my experiences with the hybrid RileyLink closed loop insulin delivery system that I've been trying for the past 3 weeks.  It's...

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Savvy LOOPing: #Loop vs. #OpenAPS

Savvy LOOPing: #Loop vs. #OpenAPS

No, I have not gone to the dark side ... and this article is wildly techie.  But since we're talking closed loop systems (yes, the hot topic in 2017, a great conversation starter!), this article is written by one of the really knowledgeable hackers/techies,...

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Savvy LOOPing: What Does It Look Like?

Savvy LOOPing: What Does It Look Like?

I'm onto my 10th day of running the RileyLink closed loop system.  And I'm learning by leaps and bounds, and still adjusting settings.  The resources available to me are astounding and so very kind and responsive.  So ... here are some snaps of my Loop...

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Savvy LOOPing: What is LOOPing?

Savvy LOOPing: What is LOOPing?

LOOPing is the latest and coolest new buzzword in the diabetes community.  It is often synonymous with artificial pancreas but I resist the urge to confuse the two. Looping, either in the do-it-yourself d-community or waiting for the traditional corporate new...

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