Looping refers to an open and transparent effort to make safe and effective basic closed loop technology widely available to reduce the burden of Type 1 diabetes.
DIY Looping: Members in our diabetes community (Type 1Ds and parents of Type 1Ds) are not willing to wait for an approved solution and instead are using Loop. The system is not something that you can purchase from a manufacturer but a system that requires work to install, support to use and equipment to purchase. If you want a perfect system, this is not for you.
Learn more about Looping here from those in the community who are already running their own loop … and check out these resources, for more knowledge.

Fiasp® (Faster-acting Insulin ASParte) is a new formulation of NovoLog®, in which the addition of niacinamide (vitamin B3) helps to increase the speed of the initial insulin absorption, resulting in an onset of appearance in the blood in approximately 2.5...

Savvy Hot DIY News: Almost in on Omnipod! And NEW Dana Pump Opens Up!
"We're IN!" This is VERY exciting news to all of us involved (developing and/or using) in the #WeAreNotWaiting, Do-It-Yourself movement. Until now, those running DIY closed loop insulin delivery systems could only use certain, older Medtronic insulin...

Savvy Update, 5/29/2017: Fiasp, Senseonics, Apple, Nevada Law
Here are some great blog posts by Tim Street about his experiences and comments about the new faster-acting insulin, Fiasp. 48 hours with Fiasp. What are my first thoughts on Faster insulin Aspart? My month with the newest kid on the...

Savvy D-Blog Week 2017: It’s ONLY Money!
Today's blog topic is: The Cost of a Chronic Illness. Woooo, there's a lot of room for writing here, including insurance, Medicare, coverage, cost of our care, accessibility and much, much more! I'm talking today about the cost of being an Early...

Savvy D-Blog Week 2017: Diabetes and The Unexpected, LOOPing
So happy to be back blogging for www.BitterSweetDiabetes.com's annual Diabetes Blog Week, hosted by Karen Graffeo. Some great topics coming your way this week! Today's topic is Diabetes and The Unexpected. And my latest, of a lifetime of "Unexpected's"...

Savvy Apps Update 5/11/2017
The hot buzz these days is all about health apps. Some track exercise. Some act as insulin bolus calculators. Others are log books and reminder alarms ... and more. Here's just an update on the app market. Fitness Trackers ... Are They Accurate? as...

Savvy Guest: Looping Update by Jessica Ching
I've know Jessica for many many years ... we go way back and we were about the first T1's to start on Dexcom STS, first generation. Jessica went on to work for Dexcom and then Abbott (when they were selling the Navigator CGM). She's now a technology...

Savvy LOOPing: their language!
I am far from even being semi-technical but I can, very slowly following instructions and ask questions kindly, always saying please and thank you. But I just saw an exchange on a site about figuring out how to break the codes on other pumps: This week, there's...

Afrezza, the Amazing Inhalable Insulin
I've been using Afrezza intermittently for the past 2 years ... and am continually amazed at how well and how fast it works! What is Afrezza? Developed by Al Mann (who also developed the insulin pump and the cochlear hearing implat, among many other...

Savvy LOOPing: Running Open Loop
Here's my LOOPing update. I've been running the RileyLink for about 8 weeks. I started running it OPEN, which means that it is ON but not making and implementing decisions with my insulin pump, based on the algorithm and CGM and carb inputs. After...