Looping refers to an open and transparent effort to make safe and effective basic closed loop technology widely available to reduce the burden of Type 1 diabetes.
DIY Looping: Members in our diabetes community (Type 1Ds and parents of Type 1Ds) are not willing to wait for an approved solution and instead are using Loop. The system is not something that you can purchase from a manufacturer but a system that requires work to install, support to use and equipment to purchase. If you want a perfect system, this is not for you.
Learn more about Looping here from those in the community who are already running their own loop … and check out these resources, for more knowledge.

Savvy Closed Loops, 1/27/21: Tidepool with Brandon Arbiter
This is definitely a DO NOT MISS presentation! When you are looking for the next generation of FDA-approved automated insulin delivery pumps, this is a strong contender!!! They recently completed their submission to the FDA! Tidepool is a...

Savvy Looping, 1/20/21: Smart Insulin! A Chat with Dr. Michael Weiss
This is really a fascinating and exciting talk, by Michael A. Weiss, MD, PhD, MBA, a professor at Indiana University School of Medicine and co-founder of Thermalin Inc., a privately held biotechnology company. In February 2020, JDRF International presented Dr. Weiss...

Savvy Looping, 1/6/21: Great presentation by Ed Damiano, founder of Beta Bionics!
Loop and Learn, a Facebook group for T1Ds on the DIY closed loop systems as well as now anyone using or interested in commercial closed loop systems, hosted Ed Damiano, the founder of Beta Bionics, makers of the iLet artificial pancreas, to chat with us about iLet ......

Savvy Looping, 12/9/20: Great Chat with Dr. Trang Ly on Omnipod-5 (Horizon), OpenProject Study Results
Loop and Learn was thrilled to host a presentation by Dr. Trang Ly, a leading expert in artificial pancreas and diabetes technologies and leads the Omnipod 5 (what we think of as Horizon) Automated Insulin Delivery System clinical program. Educated in Australia,...

Savvy Looping, 11.11.20: OPEN Project with Dr. Katarina Braune & Bastian Hauck
OPEN Project is a European-based study about diabetes management, inclusive of loopers, non-loopers and caregivers/support network of people with diabetes. This survey is for ANY/ALL folks with Type 1 diabetes and their supporters (parents, spouses, etc.). If...

Savvy Looping, 11/4/20: Dr. Bruce Buckingham Chats About Up and Coming D Tech
This is an AMAZING chat with Dr. Bruce Buckingham on Sunday, 1 November 2020 with FaceBook So Cal Loopers Group. He covers all current closed loop systems (except Tidepool Loop) and discusses future plans. You will learn SO MUCH!!! ENJOY!!! ...

Savvy Looping, 10/28/20: Dr. Roman Hovorka with CamAPS FX on DanaRS
So Cal Loopers was honored to hear from Dr. Roman Hovorka from Cambridge University in the UK about his work with the CamAPS FX closed loop algorithm which runs with the Dana RS pump and Dexcom G6 CGM ... what a great program! Dr. Roman Hovorka is Professor of...

Savvy Looping, 10/21/20: Dr. Anne Peters … so much wisdom for anyone with T1D
Dr. Anne Peters spent 90 minutes, chatting with So Cal Loopers, on Sunday afternoon, 10/18/20 ... there were SO MANY pearls of wisdom, from Covid, Tandem vs. DIY Loop, exercise, Time in Range, new insulin and off-label meds ... and more! Anne L. Peters, MD, is one of...

Savvy Looping, 10/14/20: Drs. Steve Edelman & Rayhan Lal on Looping, Afrezza, TIR and Living with T1D
This is just the best ...with 2 of the best!!! Dr. Steve Edelman of UCSD and Dr. Rayhan Lal of Stanford Health talk candidly about looping, algorithms, time in range, Afrezza and more. If you are Looping, planning on using/buying a commercial closed...

Savvy Updates, 10/5/2020: Abbott Libre 3, EASD 2020 Updates, Eversense is BACK, Lancets, Dr. Steve Edelman (TCOYD) and Cool T1D Tips
FreeStyle Libre 3 Cleared in Europe – Smaller, Thinner, and No More Scanning was reported by Matthew Garza and Katie Mahoney on diaTribe.org, 29 September 2020. This third-generation continuous glucose monitor (CGM) has many of the same features that make the...