Looping refers to an open and transparent effort to make safe and effective basic closed loop technology widely available to reduce the burden of Type 1 diabetes.
DIY Looping: Members in our diabetes community (Type 1Ds and parents of Type 1Ds) are not willing to wait for an approved solution and instead are using Loop. The system is not something that you can purchase from a manufacturer but a system that requires work to install, support to use and equipment to purchase. If you want a perfect system, this is not for you.
Learn more about Looping here from those in the community who are already running their own loop … and check out these resources, for more knowledge.

Savvy Setting, 2/9/22: A New Perspective on ISF (Insulin Sensitivity Factor) with Chris Wilson
THIS IS AN IMPORTANT TOPIC! And this may dramatically change how you look at your insulin sensitivity factor ... and how you manage the variability in your blood sugars. We've been doing it wrong. Doctors and researchers have known that ISF changes,...

Savvy Dialogue with Dr. Trang Ly, CMO of Insulet/Omnipod about Omnipod 5, 1 Feb 2022
You might know that I've been involved in the DIY looping community for quite a while ... and always looking forward to better and easier technology in the mainstream. As I posted this week, Omnipod 5, the first tubeless automated insulin delivery system with...

Savvy DYF Adult T1D Virtual Retreat Recordings: Some GREAT topics!
Diabetes Youth Foundation hosted their Virtual Adult T1D Retreat on 11/12-14/2021. I was so impressed with the high caliber of the presenters and the presentations chock full of good and useful information. I'm including a few here for your review, in no...

Savvy Updates, 11/15/21: World Diabetes Day Around the World, Ceramides the NEW Cholesterol
World Diabetes Day (WDD) was created in 1991 by IDF (International Diabetes Federation) and the World Health Organization in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat posed by diabetes. World Diabetes Day became an official United Nations Day in...

Savvy Looping, 10/22/21: So Cool, Diabeloop … plus Roche and others!
There's a new closed-loop system out there (kind of like a new gunslinger in town!)! We/Loop and Learn were privileged to attend a Zoom event, hosted for us and several European influencers hosted on the occasion of the European congress EASD (European...

Savvy Looping, 9/29/21: Dr. Laura Nally, Pediatric Endo/T1D/Looper Talks with Loop and Learn
Loop and Learn hosted a wonderful presentation on T1D, Looping, and pediatric patients with Dr. Laura Nally, pediatric endocrinologist at Yale University School of Medicine, T1D and Looper. She shared so much information about managing kids with T1D, even beyond...

Savvy Updates, 7/5/21: Nano Tech & Microneedle Patches, Walmart’s ReliOn Novolog ($72/bottle!), Bijels, Islet Transplant News, Symlin & Insulin,
Leaving Pumps in the Past: Little Tech with Big News for Treating Diabetes! was reported by Alex Parrott for TheSugarScience.org, 30 April 2021. Insulin pumps have been and still are one of most convenient ways for diabetics to keep their blood sugar...

Savvy DIY AID Report, #WeAreNotWaiting OPEN Consortium, 19 June 2021
The “OPEN” project brings together an international and intersectoral consortium of patient innovators, clinicians, social scientists, computer scientists, and patient advocacy organizations in order to investigate various aspects of Do-it-Yourself Artificial Pancreas...

Savvy Updates, 5/25/21: “Loop” is safe/effective, Trailblazers: founder of Clinistix, T1D savior of the Internet
‘Loop’ artificial pancreas software safe, effective with community support, as reported by Regina Schaffer for Healio.com/endocrinology.com, 24 May 2021. The Loop open-source system for a do-it-yourself automated insulin delivery system can be...

Savvy Systems, 2/24/21: Lane Desborough, founder of NudgeBG
Lane Desborough, regarded as a pioneer in the automated closed-loop insulin delivery systems, is the CEO of NudgeBG, a southern California start-up, registered in January 2020. Lane was formerly the Chief Engineer at Medtronic Diabetes before co-founding Bigfoot in...