Aug 14, 2020 | Featured, Pets, Stories of D Life
Today, I’ve been getting stories of 2 T1Ds who will be getting their diabetes alert dogs, REAL SOON. Feels like we are all having a baby … but that baby is a life-saving diabetes alert dog who is also VERY cute!!! Alex was diagnosed at 2 years and 1...
May 29, 2020 | Featured, Pets, Stories of D Life
What an honor to showcase Max and Summer, who live with T1D Evan, his sister Sarah and mom & dad, Nightscout & Loop developer and general T1D whiz) John & Laura. What a precious family with 2 beautiful cats to share the love! Max (8 years old) was a...
Apr 29, 2020 | Featured, Stories of D Life, The Prepared T1D
I’ve been “talking” about getting organized and prepared, as a T1, in case of medical emergencies, when seeing our professional medical teams or helping our advocates to be prepared to understand our medical conditions. Now, with Covid-19, the...
Nov 21, 2019 | Featured, In The News, Spotlight, Stories of D Life
Fun interview … this topic is near and dear to me … and love that the photo is from 18 years ago!!! Community Spotlight: Joanne Milo on Aging with Type 1 Diabetes by Bigfoot Biomedical, November 20, 2019 This week, during our November celebration of our...
Oct 22, 2019 | Featured, Spotlight, Stories of D Life
Cassidy Robinson sent this to me today … she was one of the 20 riders of Team Bike Beyond, who completed an epic, 10-week adventure, pedaling from New York City to San Francisco. The international team of 20 riders hailed from the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and...
Oct 16, 2019 | Eating, Featured, Foods, Research News, Stories of D Life
Of Course You Should Salt Your Salad Greens, But When You Do It Matters was written by Mark Bittman for Medium/Heated, 3 October 2019. Who knew it really mattered when you salt your veggies?! The word salad comes from the Latin word for salt, so it’s no surprise...