Savvy Updates 9/18/23:  Nemaura sugarBEAT Non-Invasive CGM (NI CGM) Study, Apple NI CGM?, Glucagon Legislation, Carbs or Fats for Men or Women, Bonatra Smart Ring,  What to Order at Starbucks

Savvy Updates 9/18/23: Nemaura sugarBEAT Non-Invasive CGM (NI CGM) Study, Apple NI CGM?, Glucagon Legislation, Carbs or Fats for Men or Women, Bonatra Smart Ring, What to Order at Starbucks

Nemaura completes study of sugarBEAT glucose monitor posted by, 12 September 2023.   Nemaura Medical has completed a 100-patient study of the non-invasive and flexible continuous glucose monitor sugarBEAT.  Carried...
Savvy Updates, 8/14/23:  Medicare Covers Libre 3, Senseonics Seeks iCGM Designation, 5000 Steps are Enough, New Bill to Expand Drug Negotiations Under Medicare, Chinese microbial DPP4, Green Space & Blood Pressure, GLP-1 Agonists & Retinopathy, Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, Take an Insulin Pump Vacation – Be Prepared

Savvy Updates, 8/14/23: Medicare Covers Libre 3, Senseonics Seeks iCGM Designation, 5000 Steps are Enough, New Bill to Expand Drug Negotiations Under Medicare, Chinese microbial DPP4, Green Space & Blood Pressure, GLP-1 Agonists & Retinopathy, Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth, Take an Insulin Pump Vacation – Be Prepared

Medicare Covers FreeStyle Libre 3 CGM by Andrew Briskin and April Hopcroft for, 4 August 2023. Abbott has announced that its latest continuous glucose monitor, the FreeStyle Libre 3, is now covered under Medicare.  Following news in April that...
Savvy Updates, 8/7/23: Tandem to Integrate with G7 & Libre 2/3 by Q4/23, Eversense, Glucotrack Implantable CGM, Glytec Glucommander for Hospitals, Insulin-like Hormones & Brain Plasticity, Climate Change & T1D, Female Sexual Dysfunction & T1D, Kombucha Benefits, Mayo Clinic BEST for Diabetes Care, CKM Data, Canada Supports Do-It-Yourself Automated Insulin Delivery

Savvy Updates, 8/7/23: Tandem to Integrate with G7 & Libre 2/3 by Q4/23, Eversense, Glucotrack Implantable CGM, Glytec Glucommander for Hospitals, Insulin-like Hormones & Brain Plasticity, Climate Change & T1D, Female Sexual Dysfunction & T1D, Kombucha Benefits, Mayo Clinic BEST for Diabetes Care, CKM Data, Canada Supports Do-It-Yourself Automated Insulin Delivery

Tandem’s Control-IQ to Integrate Dexcom G7 and FreeStyle Libre 2 as announced in the Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc., Q2 2023 Earning Call, 3 August 2023. According to John Sheridan, CEO:  “We want our customers to have the benefits of the latest CGM...
Savvy Update 7/31/23: SiBio Ketone Monitor, Time in Range (or TTIR), User Reviews (iLet, Dexcom G7), Aging & T1DD (EDIC), Report Device Issues to FDA, 9 Genes that Cause T1D, Strawberries & Health, More TCOYD Videos

Savvy Update 7/31/23: SiBio Ketone Monitor, Time in Range (or TTIR), User Reviews (iLet, Dexcom G7), Aging & T1DD (EDIC), Report Device Issues to FDA, 9 Genes that Cause T1D, Strawberries & Health, More TCOYD Videos

Continuous Ketone Monitoring – a world’s first from SiBio? by Tim Street for, 17 July 2023.   SiBio describes itself as “an innovative company with medical active implant and medical artificial intelligence research and development as its core...
Savvy Tips for the 4th of July!

Savvy Tips for the 4th of July!

Surviving the 4th of July as a PWD (Thanks to for the great tips!)  TheSavvyDiabetic will be taking next week off, as most of you all are busy enjoying holiday and vacation time!  Watch for updates on the American Diabetes Association’s...
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