Dec 20, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
DIABETES BUSINESS NEWS: Diabetes tech market still has a clear favorite was published by Jason Aycock for, 15 December 2021. On the Continuous Glucose Monitoring, the market stayed strong this year, likely growing in the low-...
Dec 13, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
Tandem Diabetes Care targets 1M customers by 2027 we reported by Ricky Zipp for MedTechDive.come, 7 December 2021. Tandem Diabetes Care projects that its worldwide customer base will triple to 1 million by 2027 as the insulin pump maker launches multiple...
Dec 8, 2021 | Eating, Featured, Foods
The holidays are upon us … and we often celebrate with food … and alcohol. Here is a great article and a resource guide to help those of us living with T1 Diabetes. Mixing Alcohol and Diabetes was written by Marissa Town for,...
Dec 6, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
Insulet drops 10% as CEO indicates launch of Omnipod insulin product likely delayed was reported by Jonathan M. Block for, 3 December 2021. Insulet CEO Shacey Petrovic said that the FDA will likely not complete its review of the...
Nov 29, 2021 | Featured, Technology Updates
Stakeholders challenged to take action at first Green Diabetes Summit was reported by Michael Monostra for, 19 November 2021. A group of diabetes researchers, providers, government officials and representatives from device...
Nov 27, 2021 | Featured, Research News
I’ve always said that IF there is a cure for Type 1 diabetes, it will be on the front page of The New York Times. Well, here it is, from today’s (Saturday, 27 November 2021) front section of the digital version of the NYTimes, in bold print … A Cure...