Mar 6, 2020 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets, Videos
SPOILER ALERT!!! You will fall in love right here, right now!!!!!! THANK YOU, Adrienne, for sharing this wonderful story with us! Meet Sherlock, the lifesaving Diabetic Alert Dog, and London. This pup is always looking out for his T1D girl. Loyal, hardworking,...
Feb 28, 2020 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets, Videos
OH MY GOSH, you’re in for a treat! It’s my honor to introduce Rocky, the Snuggling Cockapoo! Rocky lives with his T1 person, Theresa, her husband, Matt, and their 2 brilliant kids, Jackson (9) and Abby (6). When I asked if there were any...
Feb 14, 2020 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets
It is my great honor to introduce you to Ripley (Believe It or Not), as my Valentine’s joy for you all! Hi, my name is Ripley (Believe It or Not). But I am also called Rip, the Ripster, Ripples, knucklehead and couch potato. Just don’t call me late for...
Dec 11, 2019 | A Little Humor, Eating, Featured, Foods
Insulin resistance, fasting, and low carbohydrate diets — how it works – Exploring what insulin resistance is, and why common remedies like fasting and ketogenic diets seem to work so well – was written by Philip Marais for Medium/Health, 30 October...
Nov 22, 2019 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets
Please meet Astro and Jett, who live with and constantly amuse their humans, Karen (T1) and her husband Andrew (major T1 supporter!). Oh my, does this get any cuter???? Got to love the names, right?! Karen says, “Relaxation is sooooo crucial for us...