I have Type 1 diabetes. I love to write. I’m happy when I am helping others. I speak up when it’s important. I have a passion for sharing knowledge and learning new technology. I was BORN to BLOG!
I’ve met so many other T1Ds on this journey who are cool and love to help others. We put our heads and hearts together … to bring more resources and knowledge to our amazing diabetes community. We’re making improvements every day … come back often, let us know what you think. And my gratitude for my amazing webmaster, Dave (an honorary T1D)!
And thank you for stopping by!
— Joanne Laufer Milo, The Savvy Diabetic

Savvy Updates 2/12/24: Insulet Wins CE Mark for O5 & Abbott Libre, Sinocare iCAN i3 CGM, Sync CGMs w/SmartWatch, Salmon’s New Compounds for Heart Health, D & Aging & Muscle Loss, “How Low is Too Low” Video with TCOYD, A Few More Books Left, Benefits/Risks of Pumps & Closed-Loop Systems, Valentine’s Day Carb List
Insulet wins CE mark for integration of insulin pump with Abbott CGM by Nick Paul Taylor for MedTechDive.com, 8 February 2024. Since the launch of the Omnipod 5 in 2022, Insulet has worked to integrate the pump with devices from Abbott, Dexcom’s main competitor for...

Savvy Update 2/5/24: Lilly, Novo Trillion $ Stocks, Pancreas Can Regenerate, Indigo CGM/CMM, Non-sugar Sweeteners Alter Gut, Medicare Drug Price Negotiations Begin, Think Like a Pancreas Podcast, FREE GIVEAWAY!!!
Lilly, Novo could be first trillion-dollar health stocks: world's largest sovereign wealth fund by Dulan Lokuwithana for SeekAlpha.com, 31 January 2024. Weight loss drugmakers Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk could be the first healthcare stocks to achieve the $1T mark in...

Savvy HUMOR: Haidee Merritt and the Talking Lancets PLUS a GIVEAWAY!
Laughter therapy research has been ongoing since the late 70s, with researchers studying an effective therapy to use during treatments of various illnesses. But what they didn’t know until relatively recently was precisely how this worked. Now, they understand how it...

Savvy Updates 1/29/24: Modular Medical Submits to FDA, Insulin Nano Carriers, Know Labs at ATTD, Samsung & Non-Invasive CGM, PBMs HUGE Spending Increase, (video) Microbiome & T1D, T1D & Arthritis, Insulin Pumps & Pregnancy
Modular Medical submits next-gen insulin pump for FDA clearance by Sean Whooley for DrugDeliveryBusiness.com, 19 January 2024. Modular Medical announced it submitted its next-generation MODD1 insulin pump to the FDA for 510(k) clearance. San Diego-based Modular...

A Sad Note: Looping Truman, T1D Pup, Crossed Over the Rainbow Bridge
From Shannon (Truman's mom): It is with great sadness that I share that Truman crossed over the rainbow bridge this morning (1/26/24). He became very sick, very quickly. In addition to his diabetes, this 13-year-old boy had a number of other issues, and one of those...

Savvy Outrage: US Drug Prices 800x the Cost from India!!!
This is just outrageous! I just have to share ... and ask for wisdom. I take a medication for inflammatory arthritis ... and I am covered by Medicare. Medicare is prevented from "negotiating" drugs pricing, due the the Kickback laws. If a drug company...

Savvy Updates 1/22/24: embecta Patch Pump Submits to FDA, Apple Redesigns Smart Watch, SiBionics GCM Not Accurate Enough, Dr. Jeremy Pettus/Microdosing w/Glucagon, SERIOUS DKA Advice, CMS Changes Rules on Prior Authorization, Fruit Bats & New T1D Treatments
embecta Announces FDA 510(k) Submission for Insulin Patch Pump announced by Embecta, 9 January 2024. Embecta Corp., a global diabetes care company with a 100-year legacy in insulin delivery, announced that it has submitted a 510(k) premarket filing to the U.S. Food...

Savvy FEATURE! Truman, the Pup with T1D, is LOOPING! Plus Update on Quincy, the Koala Bear on CGM
Hello Truman! It's so wonderful to meet you! Please meet Catherina Pinnaro, MD/Pediatric Endocrinology and Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa Health Care. And please meet her neighbor's (Shannon Christensen) pup, 13-year-old Truman who has lived...

Savvy Updates 1/15/24: t:slim X2 Integrates with Libre 2, Vertex Pauses VX-880 Trial, Dexcom to Launch CGM for T2Ds, Loneliness of T1D carers, NEW US-based TRIAL: Diamyd
Tandem integrates t:slim X2 insulin pump with Abbott's FreeStyle sensor on GlobalData.com, 9 January 2024. Abbott has announced that Tandem Diabetes Care’s t:slim X2 insulin pump has become the first automated insulin delivery (AID) system to integrate with its newly...

Savvy Updates 1/8/24: PharmSens Submits for Patch Pump, FDA OKs Florida to Import Drugs from Canada, Battery-Independent Fluorescent Nanosensor in Development, Heat & Hypo Risk in Older T1Ds, GlucoTrack Implantable BG Monitor Trials, Apple Watches Back on Sale
PharmaSens submits insulin patch pump for FDA approval PharmaSens announced that it applied for FDA approval for its Niia Essential insulin patch pump system. FDA submission follows the pump’s recent ISO 13485 certification for the Switzerland-based company. This...