JDRF Statement and Update on Insulin Shortage by JDRF.org/press-releases, April 2024.

JDRF is aware that, unfortunately, individuals are having trouble filling their prescriptions for 10mL Humalog, 10mL Insulin Lispro, and 10mL Novolog vials. It is unacceptable that some members of our community have had to face an additional hurdle to get this life-saving medication in their usual formulation.

We have been in contact with Eli Lilly, the manufacturer of Humalog and Insulin Lispro, and Novo Nordisk, the manufacturer of Novolog, to learn the status of this shortage and what the companies are doing to expedite 10mL vial availability. Based on these discussions, here is what we know about the shortage.

      • Lilly has begun shipping 10mL vials again. They anticipate meeting the supply needs soon.
      • Lilly has said, “We understand the importance of insulin, and we are committed to ensuring all people have access to the medicines they need. After careful consideration, Lilly has decided to discontinue manufacturing 3 mL vials of Humalog® (insulin lispro injection) [that were distributed only for hospital use.] The decision to discontinue the 3mL vials will help create greater supply resiliency and product availability by streamlining production and distribution processes.”  HOWEVER, apparently, Lilly DID NOT plan or anticipate that this discontinuation of 3mL vials might impact the availability of 10 mL vials … makes no sense to me!
      • All up-to-date information regarding this shortage is on Eli Lilly’s site at: https://www.lilly.com/our-medicines/humalog-and-lispro

Novo Nordisk has shared the following statement:  “Novo Nordisk is currently experiencing a short-term disruption of NovoLog® vials due to a delay in shipment from our manufacturing site. We expect shipments to resume to a normal schedule starting mid-April. However, certain pockets of the country may take longer for the supply to flow downstream to patients. NovoLog® FlexPen® and PenFill® are currently available and not experiencing delays.

While NovoLog® vials are actively being shipped, there is currently not enough product to meet the full market demand as we catch up from previous backorders. This disruption is only affecting supply in the United States. If patients cannot find NovoLog® at their preferred pharmacy, we encourage them to try other local pharmacies for availability. If unsuccessful, we recommend patients speak with their healthcare provider about their treatment plan to determine the best course of action.

Novo Nordisk communicated the NovoLog® vial shortage to the FDA in Q1, advising that we were experience shipping delays and may not be able to meet full demand. However, it is up to the FDA’s discretion if they will post it as a drug shortage. In the event of a product shortage, Novo Nordisk allocates a proportional amount of product to each wholesaler based on their historical purchasing patterns.

The Novo Nordisk supply situation is not related to the temporary stockouts of Humalog and Lispro as announced by Eli Lilly. However, NovoLog® may see increased demand as a result which is not accounted for in our supply forecast. Novo Nordisk takes this situation very seriously and we are actively working to further increase NovoLog.®  The best source for updated information is the Novo Nordisk Call Center at 800-727-6500. 

Read more: JDRF Statement and Update on Insulin Shortage

Current and Resolved Drug Shortages and Discontinuations Reported to FDA reported by AccessData.FDA.gov, April 2024.





A drug receives Resolved status when the Drug Shortages Staff (DSS) determines that the market is covered, based on information from all manufacturers. The market is considered covered when supply is available from at least one manufacturer to cover total market demand. However, some manufacturers may not have all presentations available. DSS monitors the supply of products with Resolved status. For the most current supply information, contact the manufacturers. 

There are a stunning number of drugs “Currently in Shortage” but Humalog, Novolog and Apridra do not show up on this list.  Semaglutide and terzepatide do, however.

Read more: Current and Resolved Drug Shortages and Discontinuations Reported to FDA

Why Ozempic, Mounjaro, and GLP-1s Could Be Game Changers for Type 1 Diabetes by Ross Wollen for DiabetesDaily.com, 10 April 2024.
Satish Garg, MD, has a bold prediction: “I have no doubt in my mind: Going forward, this class of drugs (new drugs like Ozempic and Mounjaro, perhaps the most effective drugs ever developed for type 2 diabetes and obesity) is going to be used by the vast majority of people with type 1 diabetes.”
Dr. Garg, a professor at the University of Colorado’s Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, has authored two recent studies on the real-world use of GLP-1s to treat type 1 diabetes in people who are also overweight or have obesity: one on semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) and one on tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Zepbound), which is technically a GLP-1/GIP agonist. They show these blockbuster drugs can have exceptional benefits, including massive weight loss and significant blood sugar reductions.
“Smaller doses of these drugs will be used routinely in people with diabetes, not because of weight loss, but because of the long-term benefits they might give — cardiovascular disease and kidney disease — and because glycemia is significantly improved.”

Seeing the Light: Red Light Therapy Reduces Blood Glucose Levels by Krystal Bosenbark for IntegratedDiabetes.com, 17 April 2024

In a recent study published in the Journal of Biophotonics in February 2024, researchers found that using red light therapy on healthy adults successfully reduced their blood sugar by nearly 30%.

Mitochondria, known as “the powerhouses of the cell” are components of cells that produce much of the chemical energy, or ATP, needed to power cellular reactions. Red light, specifically light with a wavelength of 670 nanometers, has been shown to increase mitochondrial production of ATP. Because glucose is needed to generate ATP, increased ATP production would, in turn, require greater glucose consumption. Investigators theorized that this greater demand for glucose would impact blood glucose levels.

Analyses compared the control against the therapy results and the therapy group against the placebo group results. After comparing the baseline and glucose tolerance tests, findings showed that the red light therapy group experienced a 7% drop in total glucose over the 2-hour test period.

This group also had an almost 30% decrease in blood glucose levels averaged over the testing period when compared to the placebo group.  Additionally, results showed that participants receiving the red light therapy had a 7.5% smaller spike in blood glucose compared to their baseline spike, and about a 12% lower blood glucose spike when compared to the placebo group.

It is important to note that while this study was conducted on participants who had no metabolic conditions and were otherwise considered healthy, it could have larger implications for the diabetes community. 


Low-Carb Yogurt Review: 11 Popular Brands Tested by Christel Oerum for DiabetesStrong.com, 19 April 2024.

Yogurt can be a great inclusion in a healthy diet, but unfortunately, some yogurts resemble desserts rather than healthy snacks as they can be filled with sugars and high-carb toppings. Luckily, more and more low-carb yogurts have become available in the last couple of years and many of them are tasty alternatives to regular yogurt. In this review, we’ll look at some of the low-carb yogurt options currently available in many supermarkets and online.

I have tried each of the 11 yogurts myself so I can give you my honest opinion on taste, texture, and blood sugar impact.  I have given each yogurt a score from 1-5 based on taste, and consistency, is the serving size reasonable? (should be at least 5.3 oz), and how it impacts my blood sugar? (this can differ from person to person). These are, of course, subjective measures, but I hope this review will still give you a good idea of which brands are good and which have room for improvement.

One of the health benefits of yogurt is that it is often filled with probiotics. “Probiotics are live microorganisms that are intended to have health benefits,” explains the National Institute of Health. Probiotics are a category of bacteria that are beneficial to your health. More specifically, when eaten, probiotics contribute to the community of beneficial bacteria in your gut that affects many aspects of your health.

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