I have Type 1 diabetes. I love to write. I’m happy when I am helping others. I speak up when it’s important. I have a passion for sharing knowledge and learning new technology. I was BORN to BLOG!
I’ve met so many other T1Ds on this journey who are cool and love to help others. We put our heads and hearts together … to bring more resources and knowledge to our amazing diabetes community. We’re making improvements every day … come back often, let us know what you think. And my gratitude for my amazing webmaster, Dave (an honorary T1D)!
And thank you for stopping by!
— Joanne Laufer Milo, The Savvy Diabetic
Savvy Pets, 3/5/21: Calvin, the “talking” pup!
Teri (T1D, studying to be a medical physician assistant) and her husband Evan ADORE Calvin. I've looked at pictures on both their Facebook pages ... they LOVE dogs and they are crazy, madly in love with Calvin. And who wouldn't be?! As Teri says, "My...
Savvy Health, 3/3/21: Unhealthy Foods are Addictive, Bad Design, Lazy Keto Diet, Gut Microbiome, BeatO App
Unhealthy Foods Aren’t Just Bad For You, They May Also Be Addictive was reported by Anahad O'Connor for TheNewYorkTimes.com, 18 February 2021. Food researchers debate whether highly processed foods like potato chips and ice cream are addictive, triggering our...
Savvy Updates, 3/1/21: Dexcom at Superbowl, EMBARK Study, Imcyse Trial, T1D Exchange Quality Improvement Collaborative, Decline in New Diabetes Diagnoses
Mixed Reactions to Dexcom’s Awareness-Raising Super Bowl Ad was written by Mike Hoskins for DiabeteMine.com, 10 Febuary 2021. Since a 30-second spot during the game costs roughly $5.6 million, experts say many companies didn’t want to send the wrong...
Savvy Pets, 2/26/21: Happy Birthday Richard from Hey Buddy, Bon Bon & me!
Today, I get to very loudly wish my very kind and funny and loving and smart husband (and my T1D support), Richard, a wonderfully happy and doggie-filled birthday. Oh, what a journey!!! Hey Buddy and Bon Bon are NOT, in any...
Savvy Systems, 2/24/21: Lane Desborough, founder of NudgeBG
Lane Desborough, regarded as a pioneer in the automated closed-loop insulin delivery systems, is the CEO of NudgeBG, a southern California start-up, registered in January 2020. Lane was formerly the Chief Engineer at Medtronic Diabetes before co-founding Bigfoot in...
Savvy Updates, 2/22/21: Dexcom Ventures, Printed Pancreases, Microplastics Pollution, Dr. Steve Edelman on Carbs vs. Calories
Dexcom unveils new corporate venture fund to invest in sensor, health monitoring startups was reported by Mike Freeman for SanDiegoUnionTribune.com, 12 February 2021. Dexcom, a maker of wearable continuous glucose monitors for people with diabetes, said Thursday...
Savvy Pets, 2/19/21: Loving Snickers and all the joy!
SMILES and HEART Alert! Please meet Snickers (also known as Snicker Doodles) lives with T1D Galye and her hubby, and he grew up with their 2 sons ... what a total lovefest!!! From Gayle: Thank you for making me do this!!! It fills my heart to think...
Savvy Off-Topic, 2/17/21: How Does Herd Immunity Work? Gut biome & Diet
Herd Immunity Explained With 500 Mousetraps Shows Why Vaccines Work was reported by Derya Ozdemir for InterestingEngineering.com, 12 February 2021. Those of us touched by Type 1 diabetes are on high alert to stay healthy in these times of Covid ... and...
Savvy Updates, 2/15/21: HARPA, Recharging Wearables, C-Peptide, D Neuropathic Pain
Meet HARPA, the bold way Biden can jump-start health innovation was published by Ruth Reader for FastCompany.com, 12 February 2021. The Biden administration is contemplating creating a research agency to help fund breakthroughs that aren’t economically viable for...
Savvy Pets, 2/12/21: Valentine’s Day with The Dogs of 2020
I was a little short of T1D stories ... but truth be told, if you have T1D and you love pets, this will make you smile and lift your spirits, just in time for Valentine's Day! ...