I have Type 1 diabetes. I love to write. I’m happy when I am helping others. I speak up when it’s important. I have a passion for sharing knowledge and learning new technology. I was BORN to BLOG!
I’ve met so many other T1Ds on this journey who are cool and love to help others. We put our heads and hearts together … to bring more resources and knowledge to our amazing diabetes community. We’re making improvements every day … come back often, let us know what you think. And my gratitude for my amazing webmaster, Dave (an honorary T1D)!
And thank you for stopping by!
— Joanne Laufer Milo, The Savvy Diabetic
Savvy Updates, 4/5/21: Endsulin, Mouse-to-Mouse Run, Box Breathing
Here's an interview by Monica Westley, of TheSugarScience, with Dr. Hans Sollinger, MD, PhD, Founder & Interim CSO of Endsulin. Dr. Sollinger has been a leader in diabetes care for decades and has revolutionized the field twice. Endsulin is...
Savvy Data, 3/31/21: Participate in Diabetes Research with T1D Exchange and Open Project!
As Dave Walton, CEO of T1D Exchange says, "You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” That's exactly what T1D Exchange is doing ... and you can participate, if you live in the US, through their T1D Exchange Registry The T1D Exchange Registry is striving to become the...
Savvy Updates, 3/29/21: Empagliflozin + Insulin = No Carb Counting, BCDiabetes.ca Teaches DIY Looping, Diabetes Emoticons
Empagliflozin May Allow Patients With Type 1 Diabetes to Forgo Carbohydrate Counting was reported by Jessica Nye for EndocrinologyAdvisor.com.com, 23 March 2021. Incorporation of empagliflozin in a closed-loop, automated insulin pump for patients with type 1 diabetes...
Savvy Tech, 3/24/21: Great Presentation with Dr. Francine Kaufman, CMO of Senseonics CGM
This was such an honor for us at Loop and Learn to host Dr. Francine Kaufman, world-renowned pediatric endocrinologist, industry leader, philanthropist! Dr. Kaufman is a currently the Chief Medical Officer for Senseonics, makers of the first and only implantable...
Savvy Updates, 3/22/21: Future of Artificial Pancreases, Glooko Raises $30 Million, Vertex Stem Cell Clinical Trial, JDRF/Joslin/Harvard for a Cure, Orchestra of the Pancreas
The “Who and What” For the Future of Artificial Pancreases was shared by Alex Parrott for TheSugarScience.org, 14 March 2021. Artificial pancreas development is constantly being studied and improved upon. The more intuitive the pump, the easier the life of...
Savvy Eating, 3/17/21: Magic Number of Fruits & Veggies, All about Protein, Superfoods, Sour Cream Substitutes
And the Magic Number for Daily Fruit, Vegetable Intake Is... was written by Nicole Lou for MedPageToday.com, 1 March 2021. Eating more fruits and vegetables was associated with less mortality in large observational studies, but there was a ceiling on how much...
Savvy Updates, 3/15/21: Diabeloop “Zen Mode,” Lilly/Biolojic Antibody Therapy, Teplizumab by Provention, Transforming Alpha Cells into Beta Cells
Diabeloop’s Automated Tech Aims at ‘Zen’ for Diabetes Control was written by Mike Hoskins for DiabetesMine.com, 3 March 2021. I WANT THIS!!! French company Diabeloop stands out for its design work. This is because the company works on their designs with input...
Savvy Pets, 3/12/21: Birds, including Casey riding shotgun
Well, this is a Savvy Diabetic first! Please welcome Jessica (T1D and super high-level martial arts black belt) who manages her diabetes, along with her "family" of lots of birds! Hi all ... This is Jessica typing from half-way across the world,...
Savvy about a CURE, 3/10/21: Dr. Bart Roep (City of Hope) talks about CURE!
Loop and Learn had the great honor to host a presentation by Dr. Bart Roep, the Chan Soon-Shiong Shapiro Distinguished Chair in Diabetes, within the Diabetes & Metabolism Research Institute at City of Hope. He serves as project director for The...
Savvy Updates, 3/8/21: Double Diabetes, ConnectT1D Canada, Endsulin, Glytec, 3D Organ Printing, Only a T1D Would Understand
Double Diabetes: A Growing Problem Requiring Solutions was studied/reported by Djordje S. Popovic and Nikolaos Papanas in the Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes Journal, 26 February 2021. ABSTRACT: The growing proportion of...