On July 14, diaTribe hosted its second Musings event of the year: “Type 1 Diabetes Research 2021: Science, Hope, and Clinical Reality.” The virtual event drew over 300 participants who engaged in a lively discussion on the future of diabetes clinical trials and treatments – including prevention and cures.
The discussion featured four experts and was moderated by diaTribe board member Dr. Alan Moses:
- Dr. Henry Anhalt, Pediatric Endocrinologist & Executive Director of Medical Affairs, Provention Bio
- Dr. Francine Kaufman, Distinguished Professor Emerita of Pediatrics, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California; Advisory Board, diaTribe
- Dr. Felicia Pagliuca, Scientist & Vice President/Disease Area Executive, Type 1 Diabetes, Vertex
- Dr. Georgea Pasedis, Doctor of Pharmacy & Senior Vice President, Global Head of Medical Affairs, Dompé
Insights from the event touch on:
- Potential of clinical trials
- Recruitment for clinical trials
- Screening for T1D
- Preventions and cures
Read more: Type 1 Diabetes Research 2021: Science, Hope and Clinical Reality
Diabetic neuropathy presents unique research challenges was reported from the American Diabetes Association’s 81st Scientific Sessions during a presentation on Resolving Key Controversies in Diabetic Neuropathy. If you live with DN pain, this is so significantly challenging! And it is apparently truly challenging for researchers as well.
Nigel A. Calcutt, PhD, Professor of Pathology at the University of California, San Diego, opened the symposium with a discussion about the challenges of translating success in animal models to success in clinical trials. He noted that a recent Medline search for papers published on “diabetic neuropathy treatment” yielded more than 18,000 results.
“And how many FDA-approved treatments are there for diabetic neuropathy? Zero,” Dr. Calcutt said. “So, there’s clearly been a challenge in translating ideas into drugs. In part, at least to start with, this comes from the differences between the models and humans.”
The stressors that contribute to neuropathy in humans are not just hyperglycemia, he said, but also dyslipidemia as well as a strong association with hypertension. “Exposure to those stressors can go on for years to decades or more, and the presentation of neuropathy is therefore a relatively slow onset over a number of years and a slow progression of many years,” Dr. Calcutt said.
Read more: Diabetic neuropathy presents unique research challenges
And more on pain: Spinal Cord Stimulation OK’d for Diabetic Nerve Pain was reported by Kristen Monaco for MedPageToday.com, 19 July 2021. First device of its kind to gain FDA approval for painful diabetic neuropathy.
The FDA approved the first spinal cord stimulation device (HFX) for painful diabetic neuropathy (PDN), Nevro Corp announced on Monday. The device, the only such treatment approved by the agency for this specific indication, delivers high-frequency stimulation (10 kHz frequency, 30 μs pulse width delivered via bipole, with an amplitude range of 0.5 to 3.5 mA) to the spinal cord. Two percutaneous leads are placed epidurally and connected to the pulse generator, and stimulation can be adjusted according to patient feedback.
“Diabetic neuropathy is one of the most prevalent and debilitating, chronic complications of diabetes, and for years, PDN patients have struggled with a lack of effective treatment options when conventional medications fail or are not tolerated,” commented Frances Broyles, MD, medical director of Diabetes/Endocrinology and Nutrition at Swedish Health Services in Seattle, in a statement.
“The ability to now offer Nevro’s proven 10 kHz Therapy, which may enable discontinuation of long-term drug therapy and eliminate unwanted drug side effects, is a welcome addition as a treatment option for my PDN patients dealing with this challenging condition,” she added. The approval comes based on the 6-month SENZA-PDN randomized controlled trial, presented earlier this year at the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology virtual meeting.
Read more: Spinal Cord Stimulation OK’d for Diabetic Nerve Pain
Off-Topic for Summer: Hate the smell of bug spray? This startup made a delicious-smelling, plant-based alternative was reported by Rachel Kim Raczka for FastCompany.com, 29 June 2021. This caught my eye, as I am wildly prone to being eaten alive by mosquitoes in the summer months … and perhaps it has something to do with how sweet we are as T1Ds? Disclaimer: I haven’t tried it … yet … but I will! If you do, please report back here!
Most bug sprays are intense. They look intense, in cans wrapped in graphics of mountaintops, pine trees, and highly aggressive mosquitos. They smell intense, like aerosol death. They have ingredient lists full of chemicals that sound intense. Those sprays may be handy when you’re heading into the backwoods or mosquito-infested swamps. But what about when you’re hanging in the backyard, picnicking in the park, or just chilling at the beach?
But Kinfield is here to help you smell great in the great outdoors.
I’m looking for stories and photos of T1Ds and their pets, who make living with diabetes much better!

When I read about FDA approving NEVRO for treatment of diabetes neuropathy I called my broker and bought 14 shares. Now 14 shares will not do a thing to help the company. But I wanted to be part of this forward-focusing line of research and development.
Gosh, I hope it proves out. We need this.