I have Type 1 diabetes. I love to write. I’m happy when I am helping others. I speak up when it’s important. I have a passion for sharing knowledge and learning new technology. I was BORN to BLOG!
I’ve met so many other T1Ds on this journey who are cool and love to help others. We put our heads and hearts together … to bring more resources and knowledge to our amazing diabetes community. We’re making improvements every day … come back often, let us know what you think. And my gratitude for my amazing webmaster, Dave (an honorary T1D)!
And thank you for stopping by!
— Joanne Laufer Milo, The Savvy Diabetic
How Exercise Prevents and Treats Diabetes
A ground-breaking article from The Netherlands shows that lack of exercise is probably the most common cause of cell damage in diabetics today (Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. April, 2013). A high rise in blood sugar after meals, is a major cause of the...
First Single Gene Mutation Shown to Result in Type 1 Diabetes
A JDRF-funded study out of Switzerland has shown that a single gene called SIRT1 may be involved in the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D) and other autoimmune diseases. The study, "Identification of a SIRT1 Mutation in a Family with Type 1 Diabetes," was published...
Welcome to The Savvy Diabetic!
My very first post ... WELCOME! I hope you will find this to be a fun and interesting and helpful place to visit. I plan to share as much news as I can find on research and new technologies, offer guest bloggers, post interesting thoughts and questions to ponder, and...