Jul 22, 2016 | Research News
CGM Benefits Injection Users, according to the results from Dexcom’s DIaMonD Study, presented at the ADA Scientific Sessions in June, 2016 and reported by www.diaTribe.org, 6/28/2016. According to Dr. Howard Wolpert of the Joslin Diabetes Center, healthcare providers...
Jul 18, 2016 | Featured, Technology Updates
From the American Diabetes Association 2016 Scientific Sessions, held in New Orleans, June 2016. Artificial Pancreas: Several new products in development show tremendous improvements in glycemic control and reductions in hypoglycemia … and they are not far off now....
May 31, 2016 | Research News
Type 1 Diabetes May Be Triggered by Bacteria Reported by Honor Whiteman, MedicalNewsToday.com, 5/17/2016 A study by researchers from Cardiff University in the UK suggests that a part of a bacterium that activates killer T cells may cause them to bind to beta cells and...