Feb 10, 2021 | Featured, Videos
Dr. Rayhan Lal, (MD, MPH, PhD PLUS T1D and brother to T1D sisters) is one of my all-time favorite diabetes docs! Rayhan is a pediatric and adult endocrine faculty at Stanford. He grew up in the California bay area and always wanted to be an engineer. He has had...
Feb 8, 2021 | Eating, Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
New diabetes cases linked to covid-19 was reported by Erin Blakemore for TheWashingtonPost.com, 1 February 2021. Researchers don’t understand exactly how the disease might trigger Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, or whether the cases are temporary or permanent. But 14...
Feb 5, 2021 | Featured, Pets
From a very wonderful Facebook group called Albany T1D Families (in Albany, NY, near to where I went to college), I posted a request about T1Ds and their furry family members. Here are 2 very heartwarming stories from snowed-in Albany! Jennifer...
Feb 3, 2021 | Featured, Foods, Videos
This is not my usual topic … but certainly an interesting one that applies to lots of T1Ds. Drs. Steve Edelman and Jeremy Pettus (both endos with T1D) take a fun (but serious, kind of) look at drinking alcohol and living with diabetes. Enjoy and...
Feb 1, 2021 | Eating, Featured, Foods, Research News, Technology Updates
Beyond Insulin: The Future of Dual Hormone Treatment was written by Lala Jackson for BeyondType1.org, 25 January 2021. While insulin is the hormone without which people would die, as it is required to convert food to fuel in the body, there are other...