My Book and Surgery!

I guess you can call it irony … or a strange twist of fate?! I started writing my book after many recent years of hospital stays … and I learned how to manage.  So … my book is published and selling well … and I have to go into major surgery...

from my dear friend and diabetic sister, Dale

You are one of  kind. After the eulogy on Wednesday the mourners said I made them laugh and cry while describing my uncles life and his passing from a complication related to his diabetes. I just finished “The Savvy Diabetic” and you did the same thing but on a much...
My first book is PUBLISHED!

My first book is PUBLISHED!

Every bit of the process of publishing The Savvy Diabetic has been fascinating. It started with the concept.  I had been hospitalized, over the past 4 years, for a variety of problems, most not related to diabetes. But having T1 diabetes and being in the hospital can...

A Cautionary Tale

from Jeff: I was sitting in the bathroom when I noticed the top of my infusion set was starting to come off at the edge.  So I reached for the SkinTac to stick it on until it was time to change sets.  Now, the top of the bottle had become sticky and so I was turning...
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