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What Do Your A1c Test Results Really Mean?

Catherine Price | February 23, 2014 The hemoglobin A1c test, as we all know, is supposed to give a sense of your average blood glucose levels over the past three months. But here’s a question for you: have you ever tried to figure out what those average blood glucose...

Offending ‘Miss Manners’

Offending ‘Miss Manners’ My mother used to be terrified that, if I took an injection in public, the police would come to arrest me first and ask questions later.  She wanted me to “do it” in private … but I just refused. February 21, 2014 Earlier this week advice columnist...

Joanne Milo Interviewed by Gina at JDRF – TypeOneNation

This year is most exciting for me, as I’ve just published my first book called The Savvy Diabetic: A Survival Guide, which offers tips, tools, and techniques for diabetics to “survive” the medical system, travel, family life and simply coping. The idea for the book...

SUPPORT H.R. 3710: Medicare CGM Coverage Act, PLEASE!!!

SUPPORT H.R. 3710: Medicare CGM Coverage Act, PLEASE!!! Sue Berger wrote a blogpost today about what you can  do to support H.R. 3710: Medicare CGM Coverage Act. Sue has been in contact  with the Legal Assistant of Carol Shea-Porter [D-NH1] who is the sponsor of  the bill and Sue outlines the steps that Shea-Porter’s...