From Wil Dubois of Simplifying Insulin

From Wil Dubois of Simplifying Insulin

Wil is a great writer and educator.  I thought you’d enjoy one of his recent posts, from, called “Insulin.” As he writes: It’s clearer than water from an alpine mountain spring. It’s as expensive as French perfume. It’s... Shop and Give! Shop and Give!

The holiday shopping season is upon us (yes, even before Thanksgiving!) … and many of us shop online.  How would you like to get your shopping done, delivered AND contribute to your favorite charity?!?!? You can, with! What is AmazonSmile?...
About Gut Bacteria and Diabetes

About Gut Bacteria and Diabetes

I find this area of research so very interesting … and can hardly wait til we learn more. According to Ginger Vieira of DiabetesDaily (, Type 1  and Type 2 diabetes may be linked to the bacteria in your gut.  What we eat impacts every part...
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