Diabetes Blog Week, Message Monday: Why I Blog?

Diabetes Blog Week, Message Monday: Why I Blog?

This is a great question and I’ve been wondering what motivates all of us to share in the ways that we do share.  Some pass along tech and research news (one of my favorites), some like to talk about life’s ups and downs with D, some like to poke fun at...

From Moira McCarthy: Old School Diabetes Tips You Need to Know

by Moira McCarthy | May 10, 2016 Here’s a secret: Things break. Wifi stops working. Tubing and pods mess up. I hate seeing folks in a crisis because of any of those things. After all, it wasn’t that long ago I was lumbering across the prairie in a covered wagon with...
A Week of D (and Life) Frustrations and Angst

A Week of D (and Life) Frustrations and Angst

Let me start by saying that I do live in gratitude and smiles and humor.  It just feels better.  I am lucky and appreciative for my life, my loving friends and family, a good education, 2 hilariously happy doggies, a beautiful home, gorgeous weather, the sun rises...
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