Savvy LOOPing: Behind the LOOP, thanks to Wes Nordgren

Savvy LOOPing: Behind the LOOP, thanks to Wes Nordgren

HAVE YOU EVER LOOKED BEHIND A LOOP? Nightscout superstar/superdad/super guy gives you a glimpse! Thank you, Nightscout, Loopers and CGM in the Cloud! When I looked behind our Loop, I found the following individuals creating, implementing, and supporting our Loop. That...
Savvy Updates 2.12.2017: Lilly, Novo Nordisk,

Savvy Updates 2.12.2017: Lilly, Novo Nordisk,

Lots going on in the diabetes world … here’s just a little catch up time! Lilly insulin up to 51% off, through Blink Health, according to, 30 January 2017 … that’s a start!  “On January 1, Lilly launched a...
Savvy LOOPing: #Loop vs. #OpenAPS

Savvy LOOPing: #Loop vs. #OpenAPS

No, I have not gone to the dark side … and this article is wildly techie.  But since we’re talking closed loop systems (yes, the hot topic in 2017, a great conversation starter!), this article is written by one of the really knowledgeable...
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