Amazing NYTimes Blog:  Thinking About Diabetes With Every Bite

Amazing NYTimes Blog: Thinking About Diabetes With Every Bite

Catherine Price, a T1d, wrote this piece for the NY Times in 2009 … I just read it and it is as current as if it were written yesterday.  I sat here, nodding yes as I read it, spot on, every comment, every thought. Thank you, Catherine! Here are some excerpts...
A Shout Out from Bonnie Sher about The Savvy Diabetic!

A Shout Out from Bonnie Sher about The Savvy Diabetic!

              Wow, Bonnie Sher, THANK YOU! At minute 29 in her UBN Internet Radio/TV show, The Bonnie Sher Show – Boomer Life, 9/29/2016, Bonnie gives me a GRAND Shout Out for my book, The Savvy Diabetic: A Survival Guide. ...
A Little Humor: Knock Knock Jokes about T1d

A Little Humor: Knock Knock Jokes about T1d

I just had to share this with you … something to make you smile, despite your challenges living with diabetes.  You might laugh, giggle or groan … ENJOY a sampler … and then click here: 8 Knock Knock Jokes About T1D My special thanks for permission...
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