Savvy LOOPing: Behind the LOOP, thanks to Wes Nordgren

Savvy LOOPing: Behind the LOOP, thanks to Wes Nordgren

HAVE YOU EVER LOOKED BEHIND A LOOP? Nightscout superstar/superdad/super guy gives you a glimpse! Thank you, Nightscout, Loopers and CGM in the Cloud! When I looked behind our Loop, I found the following individuals creating, implementing, and supporting our Loop. That...
Savvy Updates 2.12.2017: Lilly, Novo Nordisk,

Savvy Updates 2.12.2017: Lilly, Novo Nordisk,

Lots going on in the diabetes world … here’s just a little catch up time! Lilly insulin up to 51% off, through Blink Health, according to, 30 January 2017 … that’s a start!  “On January 1, Lilly launched a...
Savvy LOOPing: #Loop vs. #OpenAPS

Savvy LOOPing: #Loop vs. #OpenAPS

No, I have not gone to the dark side … and this article is wildly techie.  But since we’re talking closed loop systems (yes, the hot topic in 2017, a great conversation starter!), this article is written by one of the really knowledgeable...
Savvy Guest Loopers: Judi Hoskins Story on DiabetesMine

Savvy Guest Loopers: Judi Hoskins Story on DiabetesMine

I’ve know Judi for many many years, from the diabetes online community.  She’s been living with T1 for 59 years!!! AND she’s the mom of the illustrious journalist and T1, Mike Hoskins of DiabetesMine.  So Judi, at the tender age of 63 starting looping. ...
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