Savvy Updates 3.27.2017: Immune Response, 2 Types of Beta Cells, Wearable CGMs, Health Apps, Twins
children and twins concept – two identical twin girls in red dresses looking somewhere As always, lots of news in the T1d community. Here goes! Preventing the Immune Response to Implanted Diabetes Devices was reported by Jessica Apple on ASweetLife.org...
Medicare Criteria is PUBLISHED!
It’s finally here!!! Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes patients covered by Medicare who are on intensive insulin therapy may now get reimbursed for their Dexcom G5 CGM! Dexcom’s G5 Mobile system is the only CGM classified as “therapeutic.” A therapeutic CGM...
Afrezza, the Amazing Inhalable Insulin
I’ve been using Afrezza intermittently for the past 2 years … and am continually amazed at how well and how fast it works! What is Afrezza? Developed by Al Mann (who also developed the insulin pump and the cochlear hearing implat, among...