Sep 20, 2019 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets
Heeeeere’s Bailey! He’s an almost 3 year old (his birthday is coming up, in October, in case you want to send him a birthday card!!!) Australian Labradoodle, who lives with Shankara, a T1 and designer, originally from England. Yes, Bailey...
Sep 16, 2019 | Featured, Research News
Are you ready to reverse biological aging???? Wouldn’t that just be so amazing? Well, here you go: Has a small trial stumbled upon a way to reverse biological aging? was reported by Maria Cohut for, 9/12/19. In a small...
Sep 13, 2019 | A Little Humor, Featured, Pets
Allow me to introduce Abby the Black Lab. I never actually met Abby the Black Lab, but I sure did read her stories, shared by her human, Laddie, a T1 and a blogger in the Diabetes Online Community. According to Laddie, “Abby the Black Lab was a...
Sep 11, 2019 | Eating, Featured, Research News
Vegetarians might have higher risk of stroke than meat eaters, study says, according to Nina, Avramova for, 4 September 2019. Vegetarians and vegans may be at a higher risk of stroke than their meat-eating counterparts — although those who don’t...