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smart-insulinHere’s a great review article from the JDRF-Helmsley Charitable Trust Glucose Responsive Insulin (GRI) workshop last month, as reported by Emily Regier, Alexander Wolf and Kelly Close in, 5/20/2016.

The theory behind “Smart Insulin”: a next-generation insulin that works automatically in response to blood glucose: the higher the blood sugar, the more insulin is released or activated, and the lower the blood sugar, the less insulin is released or activated.

As noted in this article, the long-term, “best case scenario” idea of the “perfect” smart insulin is very compelling for people with diabetes on insulin: one injection per day, blood sugar levels that stay in zone without hypoglycemia, no more carb counting, no more guessing what dose is correct, no more feeling frightened, and a much safer and less stressful life. That would be my “Dream Insulin.”

The reality, as the leaders emphasized at this meeting, is that glucose responsive insulin (GRI) is still in its infancy, and development will likely proceed in steps: the first generation of these drugs may offer some, but not all, of the anticipated benefits.

Definitely something to watch but don’t hold your breath! Maybe there’ll be a cure before there is smart insulin?!

Read the entire review: Getting to Glucose Responsive Insulin – How “Smart” Will It Be?



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