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This South African Doctor Is Fighting to Make Keto the Dietary Standard was published by Quinn Myers on, September 2018.  Or at least, something very like it. But is that in any way a good idea?

Tim Noakes is the outcast bad boy of the dietary world. Noakes — or “Prof” as his evangelists refer to him — believes a low-carb, high-fat diet should be the standard diet of all humanity. And by “standard,” we mean the only diet of humanity.

According to Noakes, not only does turning to this diet cure (yes, cure) diabetes, but it will make you less anxious, less depressed, cause you to lose weight and unshackle you from your blind dependence on bread.  (WHOAAAAAA, CURE?!?!?  my emphasis!)

Noakes’ loud, dogmatic approach to spreading the gospel of a low-carb, high-fat diet (and the Twitter wars that lie therein, one of which landed him in a four-year court battle) has earned him an equally devout following. As that following grows, both inside and outside the nutrition world, you’ll find more and more Noakes’ devotees spending their time denouncing any and all positive science about literally any other diet: Any study pimping balanced grains are merely done by “shills” who are only “protecting the industry.” After all, Noakes says, his foundation’s main purpose, right now, is “a fight to the death to combat the way industry is distorting the messaging, trying to say that low-carbohydrate diet will kill you.”

Want to read more?  This South African Doctor Is Fighting to Make Keto the Dietary Standard

Artificial sweeteners are poisoning your gut was published by Abigail Klein Laichman on, 3 October.  Uh oh!!!  Aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, neotame, advantame, and acesulfame potassium-k, though FDA approved, found to be toxic to digestive microbes.

FDA-approved artificial sweeteners and sport supplements are toxic to digestive gut microbes, according to a new paper published in the journal Molecules by researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) in Israel and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

The collaborative study indicated relative toxicity of six artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, neotame, advantame, and acesulfame potassium-k) and 10 sport supplements containing these artificial sweeteners. The bacteria in the digestive system became toxic when exposed to concentrations of only one milligram per milliliter of these substances.

Read more: Artificial sweeteners are poisoning your gut

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