All About your Gut Microbiome was shared by Marissa Town for, 10 August 2022.  

The onset of type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune illnesses typically involves some environmental trigger combined with a genetic risk. Some researchers believe that the microbiome and its health could affect the development of autoimmune conditions. According to recent research, imbalances in the gut microbiome can lead to diabetes, celiac disease, Chron’s disease, and even autism spectrum disorder.

One recent study at six clinical centers in the U.S. and Europe looked at the stool of 783 children from ages three months to five years. The study showed that short-chain fatty acids were protective in early-onset type 1 diabetes. Short-chain fatty acids are the byproduct of the microbiome processing fiber and starch. Therefore, to have more short-chain fatty acids in the body, the microbiome would need to be at least healthy enough to process starches and fibers.

Lots of things impact the gut microbiome! As far as negative impacts, many environmental chemicals or toxins disrupt the microbiome, different genetic risks, medications such as antibiotics, and of course any condition that affects the gastrointestinal (digestive) system. These can increase the risk for a variety of conditions and challenges due to the imbalance of the microorganisms.

There are also ways to positively impact the microbiome, such as prebiotic supplements. In one recent study, children who were on the prebiotic were more likely to have a higher C-Peptide measurement and an improvement in intestinal absorption after three months. Also being studied is something called Fecal Matter Transplants (FMTs), which have been shown to preserve C-peptide after being newly diagnosed, among other disease treatments.

Additionally, one study from 2022 looked at probiotics for people with type 1 diabetes and found that probiotics may regulate GLP-1, which could have a large impact on diabetes management. Many people with t1d take medications that are GLP-1 agonists, and it helps reduce post-meal glucose levels by slowing the absorption of food in the intestines.

Read more:  All About your Gut Microbiome

Could a low-calorie sweetener also improve your gut health? was published by Jessica Norris for, 11 August 2022.  

Carbohydrates are a part of a healthy diet, but doctors often advise limiting the intake of highly-refined sugar. Hence, researchers have been interested in maintaining the sweetness of products while reducing overall sugar intake. A recent study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry looked at the potential prebiotic benefits of a new artificial sweetener and the product’s sweetness level. They found the sweetener passed both the sensory testing panel and promoted the growth of helpful gut bacteria.

The study in question evaluated the use of a specific artificial low-calorie sweetener. The sweetener combined mogrosides modified with enzymes and galactooligosaccharides (GOS), a type of sugar found in dairy products, some root vegetables, and legumes. Researchers wanted to use this combination because GOS have prebiotic properties, meaning they benefit the microorganisms residing in human hosts. GOS is also low in calories. The extract Mogroside V, which is found in monk fruit, is much sweeter than sugar. When combined with certain enzymes, there is an improvement in taste. Combining these factors would, in theory, reduce sugar intake and add to the health benefit of the sweetener. Researchers studied this artificial sweetener, looking at its prebiotic benefits and sweetness compared to regular sugar.

Dr. F. Javier Moreno, study author and senior researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (IPP-CSIC), said that the product they created was “a promising novel candidate prebiotic sweetener by combining sweetness and prebiotic fiber functionality.”

Read more:  Could a low calorie sweetener also improve your gut health?

Scientists find clues that may explain why we feel tired after mentally demanding work was shared by Deep Shukla for, 11 August 2022.  

A recent study published in Current Biology shows that mental fatigue is associated with the accumulation of the neurotransmitter glutamate in the prefrontal cortex. The necessity to remove excess glutamate levels due to its potentially toxic effect could increase the effort required for mental work, resulting in fatigue. This is a significant step toward understanding the mechanisms underlying the experience of mental tiredness.

Dr. Antonius Wiehler, the study’s author and psychologist at the Paris Brain Institute, Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital, elaborated on why they chose to research this particular topic:  “Nobody knows what mental fatigue is, how it is generated and why we feel it. It has remained a mystery despite more than a century of scientific research. Machines can do cognitive tasks continuously without fatigue, the brain is different and we wanted to understand how and why. Besides, mental fatigue has important consequences: for economic decisions, for management at work, for education at school, for clinical cure, etc.” 

Why am I including this topic?  Because Type 1 diabetes management carries an enormous mental burden, 24/7.  

Read more:  Scientists find clues that may explain why we feel tired after mentally demanding work

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