Oct 20, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Stories of D Life, Technology Updates, Videos
Gastric and Digestive STUFF make up some of the most unpleasant complications of T1D and no one really mentions them, no less wants to talk about them. And they absolutely impact how we T1Ds absorb food and how we need to adapt our bolus strategies, as well as...
Oct 14, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Stories of D Life
Gastric/Digestive Issues in T1 Diabetes Dr. Marina Basina & Dr. Linda Nguyen, Stanford University School of Medicine Monday, 18 October 2021, 5pm PDT (12am GMT) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85406937371 Co-Moderators: Joanne Milo (The Savvy Diabetic),...
Aug 11, 2021 | Featured, Stories of D Life
A Gallup Global Emotions Report, conducted in 2019, stated that “The World is angry and stressed.” And that was before Covid-19 and political and racial upheavals, angst about vaccinations and now, virus variants, school closed or open, masks or no...
Jul 26, 2021 | Featured, Stories of D Life, Technology Updates
Senseonics: On The Cusp Of Rapid Growth was reported on SeekingAlpha.com, 22 July 2021. After years of developing its technology, Senseonics is delivering hope to countless patients who need better continuous glucose monitoring. Eversense is...
Jun 16, 2021 | Featured, Stories of D Life, Technology Updates, Videos
Diabetes Connections is T1D news show by long-time broadcaster, blogger and diabetes mom Stacey Simms, as she interviews prominent advocates, authors and speakers. Stacey Simms created Diabetes Connections in 2015 and she is the author of The World’s Worst...
Jun 1, 2021 | Featured, Foods, Research News, Stories of D Life
The Sticky Truth About Diabetes Device Adhesives is a GREAT article by Mike Hoskins for DiabetesMine.com, 25 May 2021. Anyone who’s worn a diabetes device stuck to their body knows that some type of skin issues with the adhesives are pretty much...