Oct 6, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates, Videos
I posted about Dr. Elliot Botvinick from the University of Calfornia Irvine who is developing a multianalyte sensor called iGlobe. It is unique and exciting and funded, for development by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust. Dr....
Oct 5, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
Saturday, October 16, 2021: TCOYD ONE 2021 The Ultimate Virtual Joyride for Adults with Type 1 Diabetes To register: TCOYD Ride with Us! RIDE WITH US! Buckle up T1D passengers, while TCOYD’s Dr. E and Dr. P–two California endocrinologists living with...
Oct 4, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates, Videos
Eli Lilly decreasing list price of insulin by 40% by 2022 was reported on CBS4Indy.com, 28 September 2021. Eli Lilly announced it is lowering the list price of its non-branded insulins, including the Insulin Lispro injection. Effective January 1, 2022,...
Oct 1, 2021 | Eating, Featured, Research News
Let’s go off-topic in science and the animal kingdom. Some interesting research makes you wonder how this might apply to products or behavior changes in the management of our Type 1 diabetes. Time to stretch our minds and put on our thinking caps...
Sep 27, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates, Videos
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Without High Blood Sugar? Yikes! was written by Moira McCarthy for DiabetesMine.com, 11 August 2021. If you live with diabetes, it was probably drummed into you that dangerous diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a direct result...
Sep 24, 2021 | Featured, Pets, Research News, Technology Updates, Videos
I’ve been reading a lot about very cool and new technology throughout the fields of science and engineering and even the social sciences. I’ve been wondering when we will see some of these technologies pop up in our diabetes world. Who...