Savvy Eating: Hidden Carbs, Thanksgiving
Once again, compliments of JDRF, here’s the Holiday Edition of The Hidden Carbs Quiz! Type 1 diabetes isn’t a reason to go cold turkey on all of your favorite foods. Test your carbohydrate comprehension and prepare for all the food you’ll gobble up this...
Savvy Updates, 11/19/18: On Feet, Inhaled Insulin, DiabeLoop, Senseonics Eversense, Quest, BG Control and Brain Health, Capillary Biomedical, AND LLAMAS!
All about FEET: Autonomous_ID and USC Team Share 2018 Global Type 1 #Diabetes Innovation Award with Tech Designed to Prevent Amputations.BioSole is the new technology to monitor the pressures of your foot. Autonomous_ID, a Canadian-American tech company and...
Savvy Updates, 11/12/18: Prevalence of Diabetes, Novo & Flex, Metformin and T1, New T1d Drug, Machine Learning, Insulin Trigger
Estimated Prevalence of Diabetes in the United States was reported on EndocrinologyAdvisor.com, 24 September, 2018 … and the numbers are staggering! The prevalence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is 0.5 and 8.5 percent, respectively, among U.S. adults, according...
November Diabetes Awareness Month WISH ~ thank you Brad!
Looking forward to the day when a “diabetes event” is just a small gathering of people who get together to talk about what it was like back in the day when they used to have it before the cure was discovered. That’s my November Diabetes Awareness...