Are Mushrooms Really a Miracle Food? was reported by Markham Heid for Medium | Health, 13 March 2019. The mushroom business is booming. Worldwide production is up 30-fold since the late 1970s, and the average person now eats about 11 pounds of mushrooms per...
3D Bio-Printed Bionic Pancreas was discussed by Marin Hensel of, 12 March 2019 … so interesting! According to Michał Wszoła MD, PhD about the 3D Bio-Printed Bionic Pancreas work being done with his team and Bionic Consortium in Poland, the goal...
After having a recent sleep study in which I was diagnosed as having sleep apnea (I stop breathing and my brain oxygen drops) and RSL (kicking many times/hour), I decided to ask a bit about sleep and Type 1 diabetes. When I ask T1 friends if they are tired, they...
FDA chief Scott Gottlieb steps down, leaving pet projects behind, (by Eric Sagonowsky on, 5 March 2019) is the big shake-up that will iimpact our T1 community. Gottlieb was biopharma-friendly—to the point where the Nasdaq biotech index plummeted...
Becoming Buddha, The One Most Remarkable Trait Of Long-Term Meditators’ Brain, was written by Laura Vismara for Medium | Change Your Mind, Change Your Life, 5 February 2019. Experienced and high-level meditators share some common traits. They are generally more...
The A.I. Diet ,,,Forget government-issued food pyramids. Let an algorithm tell you how to eat … according to Dr. Eric Topol (cardiologist) for the Opinion Section of The New York Times, 2 March 2019. Despite decades of diet fads and government-issued food...