Jan 13, 2021 | Featured, Videos
This was a wonderful presentation by Mannkind Corporation (makers of Afrezza, the ONLY inhalable insulin) CEO Mike Castagna and VP Dr. Kevin Kaiserman … with Loop and Learn Speakers Series, on 10 January 2021. Hope you enjoy it and learn a lot about...
Jan 11, 2021 | Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
Tidepool Completes FDA 510(k) Submission of Tidepool Loop, as reported by businesswire.com, 7 January 2021. Open Source diabetes nonprofit submits automated insulin dosing app for iPhone for FDA review. Built on the extraordinary foundation of the do-it-yourself...
Jan 8, 2021 | Featured, Pets
This is just wonderful! Ann has lived with Type 1 diabetes for 45 years, in the northeastern US … and she shared her story about life with Feronia, her 22-year-old Morgan mare, whom she has owned for about 13 years. She is quite a character. Now that...
Jan 6, 2021 | Featured, LOOPing, Videos
Loop and Learn, a Facebook group for T1Ds on the DIY closed loop systems as well as now anyone using or interested in commercial closed loop systems, hosted Ed Damiano, the founder of Beta Bionics, makers of the iLet artificial pancreas, to chat with us about iLet...
Jan 4, 2021 | A Little Humor, Featured, Technology Updates
Happy New Year, to my very special and amazing T1D community! While 2020 has been a terrible struggle in so many ways (some worldwide, some very personal), I am constantly filled with gratitude for our friendships and sharing of knowledge to make our lives...