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Savvy Updates, 9/6/22: Senseonics CFO Leaves, Beta Bionics Trial Data & RIF, Chip-free, Wireless Electronic Skin, Insulin Pill, Cognitive Benefits from Hybrid Closed Loop Systems, Sugar & Microbiome, T1D & Hypothyroidism

Savvy Updates, 9/6/22: Senseonics CFO Leaves, Beta Bionics Trial Data & RIF, Chip-free, Wireless Electronic Skin, Insulin Pill, Cognitive Benefits from Hybrid Closed Loop Systems, Sugar & Microbiome, T1D & Hypothyroidism Senseonics Announces CFO Transition was published by Senseonics Holdings, Inc., 1 September 2022.   Senseonics, a medical technology company focused on the development and manufacturing of long-term, implantable continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems...

Savvy Updates 8/15/22: Comments on CGM Alarms to FDA DEADLINE 8/15/2022, Inflation Reduction Act Becomes Law, Glucagon Emergency Kit Discontinued, Sensor Jewelry, Dr. Francine Kaufman on Senseonics, Omnipod 5 vs. Tandem Diabetes, Monkey Pox & T1D

Savvy Updates 8/15/22: Comments on CGM Alarms to FDA DEADLINE 8/15/2022, Inflation Reduction Act Becomes Law, Glucagon Emergency Kit Discontinued, Sensor Jewelry, Dr. Francine Kaufman on Senseonics, Omnipod 5 vs. Tandem Diabetes, Monkey Pox & T1D Final Day: Make Your Voice Heard AGAIN to the FDA re CGM! Here’s another chance to tell them, in a few short sentences, what you want, regarding CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) alarms!  The FDA has mandated that CGM LOW BG alarms MAY NOT be turned off or...