Jan 30, 2014 | Featured, Technology Updates
Medical Technology News From Around The World Medgadget is an independent journal of the latest medical gadgets, technologies and discoveries. We report daily on the latest medical technology news, interview leaders in the field, and file reports from medical events...
Jan 29, 2014 | Featured, Technology Updates
DiabetesMine.com article, by AmyT on January 29, 2014 This is a big deal, Folks! Asante Solutions, maker of the new Snap insulin pump, just signed an agreement to make its data protocols open and available via the new open-source Tidepool Platform. This means that for...
Jan 25, 2014 | Featured, Technology Updates
It’s difficult to make the FDA’s new guidance on blood glucose test strips sound sexy, but I’m going to try. Imagine this situation: you’re sitting in front of a fire with your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse/lover/partner, relaxing on some soft cushions or maybe a...