Smile.Amazon.com: Shop and Give!
The holiday shopping season is upon us (yes, even before Thanksgiving!) … and many of us shop online. How would you like to get your shopping done, delivered AND contribute to your favorite charity?!?!? You can, with www.Smile.Amazon.com! What is AmazonSmile?...
Great Insurance Advice from DiabetesMine
Insurance! Seems to be one of the MAJOR challenges for those of us needing coverage for medications, medical professionals and critical medical devices. And the landscape of insurance carriers and coverage is a little bit like quicksand. It’s shifting,...Pretty Panties for Pumpers, from A Sweet Life
If you have a pump, you need a “pump place”, like a pocket or bra or thigh thingie. Jessica Apple offered up a bunch of panty options for you to check out, including built-in-pocket-underwear, Swedish-made panties and Canadian custom-made panties....
Track Diabetes Related Bills in Congress
The easiest way to follow congressional bills that you are interested in, go to https://www.govtrack.us/. Be sure to bookmark this site for future reference. Under SEARCH, type in the topic that you want to follow. For example, if you type in CGM today, you will see...