Fiber Is Good for You. Now Scientists May Know Why, as published by Carl Zimmer in the Science Section of The New York Times, 1 January 2018. I’ve heard this since I was little … so I just believed it. But now there is proof! A diet of...
Insulet Submits Omnipod Dash Touchscreen Handheld to FDA as reported by Jeemin Kwon and Adam Brown on, 25 January 2018. FDA clearance and limited US launch expected in the second half of 2018. Dash dds improved user experience, Bluetooth, smartphone...
Wow, the shock waves continue! Insulin quality questions have diabetes experts scrambling was reported by Linda Johnson on, 7 February 2017. Really?!?!? Preliminary research suggesting that some diabetes patients may be injecting medicine that has...
This is just fun! What are some “languages of love” for all parts of our lives with Type 1 Diabetes? What do you call your devices, your challenges, your life with diabetes? From Audrey Farley of, 23 January 2018 …...
Breaking news—Congress just passed a two-year renewal of the Special Diabetes Program (SDP)! This is terrific news, and a hard-fought victory for people with diabetes. The SDP renewal brings $300 million in new funding for type 1 diabetes research and $300...