Sep 11, 2019 | Eating, Featured, Research News
Vegetarians might have higher risk of stroke than meat eaters, study says, according to Nina, Avramova for, 4 September 2019. Vegetarians and vegans may be at a higher risk of stroke than their meat-eating counterparts — although those who don’t...
Sep 9, 2019 | Eating, Featured, Research News, Technology Updates
Vertex plunks down $950M for stem cell player Semma Therapeutics, as reported by Amirah Al Idrus for, 3 September 2019. More BIG $$ for diabetes tech!!! Vertex Pharmaceuticals is jumping into diabetes. The cystic fibrosis specialist is snapping...
Aug 21, 2019 | Eating, Featured
Chaffle Fever Sweeps Across the Globe was reported by Ross Wollen for, 18 August 2019. So what’s a chaffle???? It is a waffle made entirely of cheese and eggs. You sprinkle shredded cheese directly on a hot waffle iron, add some beaten egg,...